Dylan Roof didn’t shoot up the church because he was white and they were black. He did it because he didn’t have Jesus in his heart and soul. It’s the same reason ISIS does what they do.
Dylan Roof did what he did because of "what good white Christian folk" told him about those ebil n****rs were doing and he felt like he had to do something about it.
ISIS are taking advantage of the chaos caused by the American invasion of the Middle East to gain power for themselves.
They do have one thing in common, though. They're both terrorists.
Good job with the clairvoyance, Gracie. Apparently you know the killer's mind better than he does.
Isn't mind reading supposed to be a sin?
Dylan Roof shot up the church because he was white and they were black. He said so himself to the police. He did it because he has Jesus in his heart and Jesus, being a white man himself, hates niggers.
"Dylan Roof didn’t shoot up the church because he was white and they were black. "
You haven't been paying very much attention, have you, Gracie?
Then, we can blame the clergy for giving him Jesus up the wazoo? Bad strategy. They should have shoved Jesus down his throat. Everyone knows, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
Dylan Roof is a piece of shit, and so are you, Gracie, for thinking that you know his mind better than he does.
So repent (turn away from your transgressions) for the kingdom of heaven is near. Believe and confess that Jesus(YHWH in flesh,the visble form of the Father,for he exist in three person is),savior and rose up from the dead, who shed his blood and died for our sins. And you will not be burning in hell for an eternity. The forever in the bible doesn't always mean never ending.( read the truth about hell at www.helltruth.com ),but be destroy by the fire. If you don't have Jesus clean your transgression, then how can God let you in. When you accept Jesus then all your stains are gone.
And now I think Dylann Roof is probably crying himself to sleep.
He expected people on his political team to come to his defence. Instead they're trying to turn him into a take that against their enemies.
Since reading the killer's mind is a thing now, I bet his thoughts are like; "I killed people for you. I threw away my future for white nationalism. And now my fellow racists throw me under the bus to get one shot in at liberals."
Most non-Christians are peaceful, moral individual s that would never dream of murdering their enemies. Jesus must care about their souls. Thanks for confirming that even us infidels are saved, Gracie.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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