"He was saying they ought to be shot, he never said he is going to go out and kill Satanists."
Timothy McVeigh. Eric Robert Rudolph. Scott Roeder.
What happens when Freedom of Thought is allowed to go a little too far.
Suppression of the Freedom of Speech is the least of your problems, frankly. Curious that it's right-wingers/liebertarians who get their knickers in a knot about that, hmmmmm...?! [/SoL-p]
@Goomy pls
A past edict by the former (Labour) Home Secretary ensured the WBC wouldn't (and never will) be allowed into the UK; strange that even the current Conservative HS hasn't overturned that, eh? And of course, Sections 4 & 5 of the Public Order Act ensures a UK equivalent of the WBC will never be allowed to exist.
PROTIP: Just yesterday, leader of UKIP (and former senior member of the Neo-Nazi National Front) Nigel Farage basically bitchslapped & told to STFU - basically denying the right to Freedom of Speech - a UKIP councillor David Sylvester. His crime that warranted such a sanction?: Sylvester openly said that the storms & floods the south/south-west of the UK had experienced in the last month or so were due to the (mid-2014) legalisation of same-sex marriage in the UK, and was God's punishment. [/Pat Robertson, 9/11]
(Linked article from the conservative newspaper "The Daily Fail". Sylvester is an ex-Conservative who defected to UKIP, so that explains a great deal)
As a commentator on Sky News said about that: 'You've just lost half of the UK, Nigel!' Can you say 'Todd Akin', o UKIP? I know you can. The moral of this story, o right-wingers (and certain 'people'; you know who you are): With rights come responsibilities.