(Some patch of ground in South California is like 800 degrees, and some of our beloved Rapture Ready posters think it's hell "bubbling up".
Well it is Southern California. If hell was bubbling up I couldn't imagine another place more fitting!
"Well it is Southern California. If hell was bubbling up I couldn't imagine another place more fitting!"
What about New Orleans? That's supposed to be some sort of sin filled cesspit according to you guys, hence the problems it had recently. Then again, there's always Vegas. Funny that a city whose nickname is "Sin City" never has God's Wrath visited upon it...
ow, now I get it, that's why the climate here in the Netherlands is getting warmer at twice the rate as the surrounding countries ..... it's hell bubbling up .... oh noes !!!!!! we are all going to burn !!!!!!!
ah, well I better wear my best asbestos to work tomorrow then :)
(hmm, I just wondered if it is just a smart idea of Lucifer to breach the surface here ... as you might know, a large part of the Netherlands is below sea level and only kept dry by our man made dikes (those are levees for you Yankee lot), all that heat from hell might melt them or undermine them... I don't think Lucifer is going to like having the content of the North Sea and the Atlantic washing through Hell .... it kind of put's a damper on things there I guess)
"Well it is Southern California. If hell was bubbling up I couldn't imagine another place more fitting!"
Nah, it's just the Mole Man implementing one of his plots to destroy the surface world. The Fantastic Four will stop him like they always do, though, so I'm not worried.
~David D.G.
Then why, may I ask, are Colorado, Kansas, and Oklahoma seeing record temps too? Why would Hell be bubbling up in the heart of the Buy-bull Belt?
Is this really that fundie? Yes, it's RR, but if the quote was anonymous it would just seem like a lame joke. (Like when Fry says "Well, actually..." in response to Leela's "Who would have thought the entrance to Hell would be in New Jersey?")
Geothermal activity isn't a rarity here in California. I know of several large, bubbling, hot mud pots these RR people could come and investigate, maybe from the inside.
I read that it was caused by a hydrocarbon deposit that had been ignited by a brush fire, and will continue to burn until the next major rainstorm. Then again I had to read something in order to know this, which is something a fundie wouldn't bother with.
@Horsefeathers: Then again, there's always Vegas. Funny that a city whose nickname is "Sin City" never has God's Wrath visited upon it...
Yeah, funny that. When a city is inland and built in an area with stable geology and weather patterns, god seems to have a hard time wrathifying it. Either that or else he's been there in the middle of Summer and knows the fires of Hell won't particularly bother LV residents.
Well, California is home to Death Valley, which is among the hottest places on earth, so I guess that is appropriate! ;-)
''I guess he couldn't escape from LA!''
Wait, that was Duke Nukem's quote and wrong form of apocalypse.
My bad.
Or it could be an underground hot spring, or the tar that's common in those parts, y'know, nature stuff like that.
Strange, I couldn't find the original quote from the link. Regardless, that's not Fundie, it's just a regional slur. There's many places I'd say the same thing about, and I don't believe in Hell.
at least s/he didn't bash irak, afghanistan, iran, france, canada, or any location south of texas. oh wait, that'd have made it into another section of the site...
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