Think about this....95% of all pollsters came to the generally same conclusion...Obama was going to lose. Now we see the results were all WRONG...except for ONE of the pollsters in BO'S camp? In fact...ALL.the pollsters were wrong BIG TIME. THERE IS SOMETHING VERY WRONG WITH THE OUTCOME OF THIS ELECTION.....IT'S TOO BIG AND IT'S TOO 'CLEAN'. The EXACT states that BO needed ALL fell into his column? Obama telling the public BEFORE HAND to "Not panic" when they see the first states to be reported with exit polling? He needs to explain how he knew BEFOREHAND that was going to happen. THIS WHOLE ELECTION WREAKS OF VOTER FRAUD! There WILL BE investigations into this....there WILL be continued investigations into Benghazi....there WILL be continued investigations into all kinds of 'questionable' dealings by the Obama administration. I predict right here and now.................IMPEACHMENT of the OBAMA-Biden ticket this next summer on SEVERAL of which is voter fraud. There will be lots of people going to prison. COUNT ON IT!! Conservatives/republicans will get the last laugh on this one!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep your eyes open everybody....the evidence will get exposed by Mid-April!
Meanwhile, in reality, Obama was still generally expected to win the whole time.
After that awful first debate, the results of opinion polls started coming within the margin of error, but at no point was Mittens ever seriously ahead of Obama outside that margin.
Actually the vast majority of pollsters were absolutely right. Especially Nate Silver. The Nate Silver who you people said was lying about the polls to hurt the republican momentum. Nate Silver was 100 percent right on the electoral college and extremely close on the popular vote.
The only pollsters that said Romney was going to win "big time" was Romney's pollsters.
95% of all pollsters came to the generally same conclusion...Obama was going to lose.
On what planet? Obama was leading Romney 99% of the time, even in the swing states. Hell I think even Fox News had polls showing Obama leading Romney.
There WILL BE investigations into this
Meaning: I'm going to read a bunch of conspiracy websites that I agree with.
the evidence will get exposed by Mid-April!
Uh huh. Just like how all those secret tapes of Obama having gay sex and doing drugs in college were going to surface just before the election.
"Think about this....95% of all pollsters came to the generally same conclusion...Obama was going to lose."
You must be thinking of that unskewed polling nonsense. And guess what? It failed miserably. Even the guy who came up with it came out and admitted it was bullshit after the election.
"Think about this....95% of all pollsters came to the generally same conclusion...Obama was going to lose. Now we see the results were all WRONG...except for ONE of the pollsters in BO'S camp? In fact...ALL.the pollsters were wrong BIG TIME. THERE IS SOMETHING VERY WRONG WITH THE OUTCOME OF THIS ELECTION."
Horseshit. Republicans were in such deep denial over all the polls showing a decisive Obama victory, a cottage industry of "unskewing" the polls cropped up. PPP, a liberal polling firm, had one of its best years, and Rasmussen, the conservative one, had one of its worst. A whole mess of polls in between- including, as Doubting Thomas rightly said, Fox News itself- came to the exact same conclusion. Or do you honestly not remember the entire right wing shrieking about how "biased" the polls showing an Obama victory were?
>>Think about this....95% of all pollsters came to the generally same conclusion...Obama was going to lose.<<
You said "Obama". I believe you meant "Romney".
All of the polls and analysis are public. Go look it up.
"95% of all pollsters came to the generally same conclusion...Obama was going to lose."
It doesn't count if the only poll you're looking at Fox News.
"except for ONE of the pollsters in BO'S camp?"
Science with facts, it's like magic but conservatives don't understand it.
"The EXACT states that BO needed ALL fell into his column?"
Campaigning so good, it looks like a conspiracy!
"the evidence will get exposed by Mid-April!"
If by evidence you mean some wild bullshit somebody who got fired makes up to get back at the government, than yes.
@Grimsoncrow: Well, it's all they've got. As I've pointed out before, the birth certificate thing didn't work, the Muslim thing didn't work, the "Marxist/socialist/fascist" thing didn't work, the college transcript thing didn't work, the "he did drugs in college" thing didn't work, and the "he's gay" thing didn't work. They now need a new schtick. I'm guessing "the elections were rigged" thing will last a few months before people get tired of it and they come up with something else.
The only fraud that happened was in the form of voter suppression on the part of the Republican party against the People. Their strategy was to keep people form voting at all, not to encourage people to vote for them. I'm sure some Democrats tried the same tactic but not nearly at the same scale.
The worst part is no one will be prosecuted for it.
Ruwan uses CAPS LOCK to show us how SERIOUS and DETERMINED to have JUSTICE he is! He will NOT, I say NOT, be RULED by some NIGGER who should be SERVING HIM!! COUNT ON IT!! There WILL BE investigations onto how the NIGGER has assumed power with so many GOOD, HONORABLE WHITE PEOPLE voting!! There will be IMPEACHMENT and then we will don our BEAUTIFUL WHITE ROBES and burn a CROSS!! COUNT ON IT!!!
"I predict right here and now"
You false prophet dumbfucks really need to stop with the predictions, because they're always wrong.
@ stonespiral
Democrats have not been found to be using voter suppression tactics. So far, that's been an entirely Republican occupation. All of the voter ID laws, all of the voter caging and cutting back on voting hours and accessible machines, all of the "challenging" of legitmate voters, all of the billboards and robocalls and mailers directing voters to go to the wrong polling location or vote on the wrong date---ALL of it, so far, has come from the GOP and its supporters.
If you were really as smart as you think you are, you'd now be suspicious about everything else Fox News tells you, based on how hard they lied to you about the polling results. And if you'd been watching any real nes, you'd have known Obama was ahead in the electoral college for weeks prior to the election.
He needs to explain how he knew BEFOREHAND that was going to happen.
If Romney had won, would you consider it suspicious that he kept being introduced as "The next President of the United States of America", and made speeches where he talked about what would happen after he won as if it was a foregone conclusion? No? Then it's not at all suspicious when the guy who did win does exactly the same thing as ALL politicians do.
It's basic psychology. You tell people things will be a certain way, and it sets them up to believe you.
Obama telling the public BEFORE HAND to "Not panic" when they see the first states to be reported with exit polling?
Yeah, he should have told his supporters: “As soon as any news organization is reporting that Romney has any lead in any poll whatsoever, immediately start to panic and abandon my campaign!”
And that he didn’t do that is a clear proof of a conspiracy
I said it before and I say it again, American politics are by far the most entertaining, if you can watch them from the outside. But my sympathies go to the sane Americans that have to live in the same country as morons like that.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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