Bro. Randy #fundie

I see a woman wearing pants or a man wearing a dress (or other women's clothes) as a sexual sin. It is crossdressing. This sin, as homosexuality, is a physical sin, but it is also a sin of confusing the genders. Literally, those who cross-dress are mixing up or confusing what God has created. The cross-dresser would tell you that he/she/it was not born with the correct anatomy. That person would say that he has the anatomy of a man but the spirit of a woman. That is the extreme. Some simply put on the garments of the other gender - a man wearing a dress or a woman dressing to look like a man. Regardless of the degree, the result is the same: a man wearing a woman's garment is an abomination and a woman wearing a man's garment is an abomination.

This sin goes back directly to the feminist movement - the movement where woman literally wanted to become as men in society. The movement where woman forsook their God-given role in the home, their role shaping the generations to come, so they could move into the role of men.



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