[In response to why those that do not know of God go to Hell]
It does not matter whether someone is in the buckle of the Bible belt or the darkest corner of Africa, the glory of God is still evident to them. The very heavens declare it.
People are supposed to be able to look up at the sky and discern the existence of original sin, magically know a story of substitutional atonement, then connect the two and deduce Christian doctrine?
Believing in a deity isn't enough, according to Randy and his ilk.
"Evident" is a word a little bit to strong, I think.
Besides, does Bro.Randy not think about history? Before Jesus died, everyone except a chosen few went to hell without any choice!
Actually, the very heavens declare that the bible god is a liar. The heavens are vast, beautiful and awe-inspiring. The bible god is a small-minded pathetic loser, without glory or any redeeming qualities. (Rant finished.)
Ummm... Randy, that's not the heavens declaring anything. That's rain. Don't feel bad, many civilizations have misunderstood such natural occurrences and believed them to be proof of a supernatural being. Don't be afraid of those dangerous, sparky flashy, light thingies though. It's not a god aiming death at someone. It's just lightning. Don't be afraid. Go stand under the tallest tree and admire nature. It's okay.
In that case, the Great Commission is a great waste of time, and all of those "teachings necessary for salvation" actually aren't. Either that, or this is instance #837,049 in which Truly Saved True Believers want to have it both ways.
Ah, so you indulge in the numinous experience of standing silent under the nighttime sky?
Know this: A totally unknowable event caused all this. Billions of years have passed since then. At the observed speeds, there is no way galaxies could have arranged themselves in less time.
You know that the cosmos extends beyond the boundaries of your wit or imagination.
You will also know from this, bro, that you are not as significant as you think you are.
Neither is your god. He was just a minor nuisance in the larger scheme of things.
The 'very heavens', as it were, have actually spent the last few centuries defying our interpretation of Gods glory.
And, when last I looked, Africa was a particularly bright area of the world.
Ignoring for a moment the internet and global communication, I just love the fact that people born in times long before the development of rapid communication are automatically damned to hell. A guy that died of old age while Jesus was still practicing carpentry, hits the pearly gates, and it's, "Sorry mate, you didn't love Jesus. Off to hell with you." "Jesus who? That little kid? What does he have to do with anything?"
Sucks to be you if you lived before the virgin birth... or so the heavens declare.
"The very heavens declare it."
John Glenn, Alexey Leonov, Valentina Tereshkova, Dr. Buzz Aldrin, Yang Liwei, and the current crew of the International Space Station would like a word with you. Oh, and cool story, Bro.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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