[I hate God because He allowed me to suffer, even though I prayed to Him for help.]
I am glad my message to the other person helped some. I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say, however. I was trying to make the point that 'if' God wanted to torment us, or play games with us, or even make us suffer, He is God and can do whatever He wants to do. I don't for a moment believe that He is going to do any of those things, but the point I was trying to make is that He is our Creator and owes us nothing, no matter how He acts towards us. Until we understand that, we will not be able to view things from the right perspective.
You said you don't know how to forgive God. That is not the problem. You don't need to know how to forgive God, you need to learn that there is nothing, to forgive, because God has done nothing wrong. You hate Him because He has not healed you, but that is wrong. You have no right to hold that against God. If you will place your faith in Jesus Christ then God will forgive your sins and save you from an eternity of torment in hell. If not, then you will suffer and be lost. God sent His only Son to die in your place. Not because Jesus had done anything wrong, but because you and I are sinners. Yet you hate Him for not taking your sickness away. If you live to be 100 years old that will be less than a grain of sand is in a pile of all the sand on earth, compared to eternity. Do you really want to trade eternity with Christ for a little less suffering now? I sure don't.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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