[ Commenting on the book review of Why Evolution Is True, which he has never read. ]
Hey all you primed up brain washed lemmings! It is time to wake up and see what's really going on here! This is not conspiracy theories this is reality and you are being lied to. You are not some unique young mind that has matured into a beautiful scientific flower.
You are lied to, you have not had some incredible revelation through being told this, this is not the epitome of humanity.
Everything you think you know to be true is wht they want you tot think true.
You have been backed up into a corner you know nothing about and has some sweet scales pulled over your eyes.
It is time to decode your coded mind and beat out what has been beaten into you.
Evolution is a lie...
NOW WATCH and set yourself free.
It's not conspiracy theories, just assertions that the Illuminati and Satan are spreading the lie of science in order to implement the new world order for reasons! Instead of evidence, I have even more convincing insinuations and Bible quotes!
Want some more chuckles? This guy eats a book about evolution written by a creationist. The introduction is from an atheists who snagged the original video before the maker took it down. The video maker claims to be a christian (who is fundie goldmine by himself). Someone sent him the book and he decided to eat it before reading it, not realizing it would confirm his bias.
This is not conspiracy theories
Everything you think you know to be true is wht they want you tot think true.
If this isn't a conspiracy theory, who is "they"? The ToE has been around for over 150 years.
I started to watch that vid, endured the first few minutes of a buildup (replete w/ tired license-free stock internet images accompanied by a whiny monotone narration) to some MIND-BLOWING revelation of what the TRUTH (of what?) really, really IS - not just what you may currently think you know, but what the TRUTH really, REALLY IS!
What is it?
(betcha wanna know, huh? )
... just wait ...
... just wait ...
(the suspense is killing you, ain't it? )
"There is a group of crazy, satanic elitists who have set out with the GOAL of RULING THE WORLD "
And then I stopped the vid around the 04:40 mark. My tolerance for nutjob scam artist creatards is usually pretty high, but creatard/conspiratorialists? Wow, 38:31 of that kinda youtube insanity is too much for me nowadays, it seems.
Uh, Mr. Overton, you know that most Christians are fine with evolution and it doesn't hamper their faith in Godhead, right?
Also, Creationism is a recent invention. In fact the early Christians understood Genesis to be a metaphor. Just ask one Mr. Augustine of Hippo.
I watched the first 21 seconds of the video and stopped watching. The moment I heard "crucial to the New World Order's plans" in a non-sarcastic voice, I knew this was, in fact, just a load of conspiracy theorist dogshit.
If "Da Noo Wurld Or-Duh" is the best you Christfags can offer up as evidence against evolution, then please just go live in your caves and hide from THE REST of the modern world already like good little troglodytes.
Also, the comments section on that retarded "video" made me wish I could strangle people over the Internet.
If there's one thing I can't stand, it's people leaving reviews for books and movies they haven't read or seen.
The other thing is nutjobs who think that youtube videos are incontrovertible proof of whatever they believe in.
That's some shiny, shiny mirror, dearie. I'd suggest wearing sunglasses before you look into it...
Edit. That video (or the three minutes or so, that I could stomach) is even stupider than Expelled.
@Goomy pls
I know both English and (some) Norwegian, so I can translate. :-)
"Definitely an American."
Were you trying to rip off Tyler Durden with that stupid little speech? Because it sounded a bit like his 'beautiful, unique snowflake' bit.
"beat out what has been beaten into you."
Sorry, I'm immature.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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