The fact you read so many books written by clever means you have to be right! I have spoken to many people about this who are far greater in aptitude than you are! Bacteria and disease are not Evolution. They are symbiotic and need us to survive that is not what you think. Disease is mutated cells!Mutated cells is not what we are.
Evolution is new information, adaptation not.
You have prived nothing, you have presented some weak arguments that suggest we came from a hairy creature.
That is right suggestion, suggestion is strong like the ancient astronaut theory.
Right so you know my life poorly formed or you assume? Assume I guess that seems to be what your good at. Go talk to your husband about E=mc2 and al that boring crap. I will enjoy life while I have it. I go on correct information.
Disease is mutated cells!
I go on correct information.
Apparently not, because the only disease caused by mutated cells is cancer.
H'm. English not the first language, obviously, and 'Peter Overton' not the real name, equally obviously. I'm thinking Moonie.
As I read it, the OP said you were poorly 'in'formed, not 'formed'.
And it's true. Sadly, painfully true. Of course, since you didn't even read the book in question and posted a review about it anyway based upon the misinformation you do have, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you're likely dumber than a ham sandwich.
E=mc2 is boring crap? Tell that to the people of Hiroshima. Tell that to the owners of nuclear power plants. If relativity is just crap, then stop using your GPS or satellite TV because those all use the Theory of Relativity in order to function. If you're not interested in science, fine, but it pisses me off when people who benefit from science every day turn around and try to attack the very science that has made their lives better. You enjoy your life BECAUSE of science. Science is what gives you the leisure time to post dumb ass comments on the internet instead of toiling away in a field all day or wrangling with wild beasts just to feed your family.
1. Strange use/lack of articles
2. "by clever" meaning "by clever people"
3. "adaptation not" taking the word "is" as understood.
I would guess that "Peter Overton" speaks a Slav language as his mother tongue. Could be wrong, though.
Evolution is new information, adaptation not.
One more time.
I stand in the middle of New York. I take a step to the west. I'm still in New Yory. I take ten more steps. Still in New York. But what about a few thousand? A few million? Suddenly, I'm not in New York anymore. I'm somewhere else. THIS is how evolution works. A generation or two will still be within the same realm as their parent generations But you stretch out a few tousand, or a few million generations, and compare back, and you see how far you've gone from the start point.
This is the problem of 1/4 of the human population bamboozled by bullshit in a nutshell. If you can be bamboozled by bullshit, then it is all equally bullshit, and there are no criteria for discrimination. Confirmation bias becomes the deciding factor.
Okay, you've posted comments from this guy (from this exact same forum conversation) before. He's Australian and English is his first language. However, I think there is something seriously wrong with him (aside from the cancer, which I think has understandably embittered him). He's not religious, but for some reason he is convinced that evolution is wrong. I guess that makes him fundie, but he still doesn't seem like the best target for your mockery. I actually feel kind of sorry for him. And yes, I think Peter Overton is his real name; I don't think he's Slavic.
"you have presented some weak arguments that suggest we came from a hairy creature."
Are you kidding me? I dare you to tell ME that with a straight face- I am entirely covered in long, thick, luxuriant brown hair. My arms look like a chimpanzee's. my feet look like a hobbit's. You can barely see my stomach under my thick coat of hair. My body could be accurately described as being furry, yet you think that we didn't evolve from hairy creatures? Well, excuuuuse me, but some of us STILL ARE!
The hell are you talking about Peter?
"Evolution is new information, adaptation not.
Half right. It is new information but the information comes from the adaptation and the adaptation is evolution
"Evolution is new information, adaptation not."
No, that's not it. the definition of evolution is "any change in the frequencey of alleles in a population over generations"--there's no requirement that the change in frequency involve the creation or introduction of new 'information' (however you're choosing to define information).
You're correct, however, that with respect to the biological sciences between evolution and adaptation are two entirely different things. Adaptation involves changes that occur at the level of the individual organism, do not involve changes in genetic composition, and are not inheritable (a good example would be the physioogic changes that occur in athletes training at higher elevations which result in improved aerobic capacity)while evolution involves changes that occur at the level of a population of organisms, which take the form of a chnage in the genetic composition of that population,and which are inheritable (the classic example is industrial melanism in peppered moths).
Evolution is new information, adaptation not.
So when bacteria adapted to a food supply of nylon chemicals that didn't exist in nature before 1938, God knew in His infinite wisdom that some day in the distant future the bacteria would find themselves in a storage pool full of nylon chemicals and need something to eat, so He pre-programmed the ability to adapt 30 years later to eat the chemicals?
weak arguments that suggest we came from a hairy creature
Clearly, you've never seen a Greek grandmother...
Ok, this is the second time I read one of Peter's postings here, and now I seriously believe that he either has a severe disability concerning grammar, syntax and spelling or isn't a native speaker of the English language.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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