I think polygamy is okay. I mean, it was in the Bible.
['So was stoning women and children to death.']
They must have deserved it.
re: women and children being stoned
And that whole "let he who has no sin cast the first stone" part? Remember Jesus saying that, and then stopping a (if I remember correctly) confirmed adultress from being stoned?
Ah, I see, this sort of "living by the Bible" is like cartoon gravity: selective.
Ok, I don't give a shit if a Christian said this, it's still awesome. And if you disagree, I'll fucking rip your skin off.
You must have deserved it.
/I think polygamy is okay. I mean, it was in the Bible./
Really? So you wouldn't have minded being one of David or Solomon's wives? Picked out, bought, and kept in pens like cattle? Waiting in your specific area of the palace like a good little sex toy until it was "your turn?" I don't believe that for a minute.
/They must have deserved it./
Yes, never mind punishing the rapist, it's his victim who needs to be killed, for being "spoiled" against her will. For not screaming loud enough, for not wanting to be killed for screaming, for being in the wrong place in the wrong time where nobody cared, for living in a culture that legitimized rape as long as the perp married his victim afterwards. And never mind searching for non-violent ways to deal with disobedient children, nope, kill them! Kill them all! Bwahahahaha!
...You people are nuts.
Yeah, one of Brigham Young's biggest problems was his wife not being on board with the whole 'multiple wives' thing.
He had a bodyguard whose main job was keeping Mrs. Young (original) from finding out about all the other Mrses. Young.
Two points, two flats and a packet of gravel. Or would you prefer a $50 packet of MJ?
The second won't stone you to death, but it would mellow you out a bit.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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