And no I am not atheist, and neither are you. You believe in God and just don't accept it.
No, I am not a theist, and neither are you. You believe your god is nonsense and just won't accept it. - I imagine if someone said that to you, you would think that was totally ridiculous and it is, but so is your version.
And yes, I'm a Pastafarian, and so are you , pathetic. You believe in His Sauciness and just don't accept his Noodly Touch. [/smartarse]
And no I am not atheist, and neither are you. You believe in God and just don't accept it.
Please don't presume to know that I do or don't believe.
Yes, as an atheist, I DO believe in god.
I believe it is a myth/concept embraced by superstitious people who fear dying.
I am not a theist and neither is patheos. He doesn't believe in gods and just doesn't accept it. He is at a point in his spiritual development where rebellion is the mode of discovering the boundaries of your existence. A mundane equivalent would be the teenage years, when children rebel against their parents in order to discover the parameters of their situation.
Cool! I can argue just like a religious enthusiast!
Thanks, 3R.
It's similar to that very intelligent response from any elementary school child and Pee Wee Herman:
"I know you are, but what am I?"
@ rubber chicken
I believe but I don't accept that I believe. Seriously, how does that work ?
I remember when I was little, I once said, "My favorite color is red, but I wish it was blue."
I was real young. Even then, as soon as I said it I had to wonder how that could work. Maybe like there's no god, or I don't believe there is one, but I wish there was? I'd settle for a genie. I'm settling now for the FSM. Ramen!
By that logic, Christians are pantheists. They believe in every other god out there and just don't accept that.
*cue Christians everywhere clutching their pearls*
I believe in Logic, the sequence of cause and effect, and in Science, it's only begotten son, our law.
Conceived by the ancient Greeks, suffered under Albert Einstein...
@ Old Viking:
I tried, but I couldn't.
You're right, paethos: I believe in the god, Shiva.
Oh... that's not what you meant.
Too bad, so sad, better luck next time!
See, the people who claim that atheism is a religion I get. They're still wrong, of course, but they see us defending evidence and rationality with the same fervor that they display in defending their bronze-age myths and mistake our viewpoint and behaviour for being a mirror image of their own.
The people who claim that it's impossible for there to be atheists because they can't imagine that there are atheists leave me stumped, quite frankly. To paraphrase Babbage, I am not rightly able to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that would prompt such a conclusion.
"You believe in Thor and just don't accept it."
At least we can see Thor - in the comics by His Excelsior!-ness Stan Lee, and the Great God Jack Kirby (pbuh) - and in the Sir Kenneth Branagh film of the same name; also "The Avengers".
So even the Thunder God, who defends the Earth & the Realm Eternal, has one up on your sky fairy, pathetic; also he has a hammer, Mjolnir. Your 'God' was nailed to a cross. Any questions...?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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