F4LL3N #fundie escapistmagazine.com

The new born conceived through the product of rape is not at fault for that rape, and killing him/her will not change or lessen the pain a woman feels after being raped

[[How many rape victims have you conversed with to acquire this statement? I just want to know where you're getting your information, you know, besides your own heavily religious influenced opinions.]]

Absolutely no where and with minimal religious influence. Maybe I'm wrong. In which case, the mother would have serious mental health issues if killing her baby makes her feel better about herself after being raped. She lost all her power during the incident, and now wants to gain it back. Extreme I know, but it's one potential example of why a mother wouldn't want to conceive a child through rape. The idea that a mother would look down at her belly and call it "a dirty little c***" or something is rather sick too(another extreme example, because quite frankly I couldn't think of any other scenerio where a mother would want this.)

Enlighten me? After all, that's why I'm here.

p.s. I'm completely against rape, so I'm not trying to come off as insensitive about the issue.

EDIT: Well, it's a memory I guess. A constant reminder... In which case, it's still sick. If someone would rather their kid dead then to be reminded of a single bad occasion...

With that in mind, I don't need to get my information first hand off a rape victim to know what I said is true. It's either true or there are some extremely selfish/confused women in the world. Of course, that's a matter of perspective (almost certainly a minority opinion.)

I just think of it this way. Let's say a mother finds out her 5 year old was actually conceived from the rape that occured 5 years ago rather than the partner she originally thought it belonged to. Would she love him/her any less? Would it be okay to kill that child? Would it make her feel better? Short and simple answer, no! If this is true, then surely the same applies to unborn babies.



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