In fact if you take the demensions that was given to Noah then the animals needed would only fill half the ark leaving plenty of room for supplies and ofcourse he didnt need the fish because well they can swim evidence for this is the abundance in aquatic life in the world.
What about plant life? Also, what about food? What about waste products, and collection of the animals? How did 2 of every kind have enough genetic diversity to avoid the crippling results of generation after generation of inbreeding? What about all the fish that require very specific salinity and temperature levels? How did Noah keep the carnivores from eating the herbivores? What about insects? Bacteria? Dinosaurs? And these are just a few of the questions I have about the Ark, don't get me started on the flood itself.
So fuck Abraham, we are all the result of 320 generations of inbreeding!
Even for that to happen, each woman on the ark - and up to the present day - would have to have given birth to 53 children to give the world a population of the (almost) 7 billion we have now.
Total, complete and utter fail to the nth power.
What an idiot. So that fact that there are fish is proof that god had noah save the fish? Was this the grand "save the animals" telethon? A 450 ft. boat (the size according to most bible 'scholars') would not be near close enough to hold all the animals that the bible says were on the ark. Most psychos nowadays get put into institutions. I would laugh my ass off if jesus, moses, abraham, jonah, paul, etc. were around today. They'd be laughed right into the hospital, were they would receive the proper medical attetion and medications to make them 'right' again.
Have you ever had a salt-water aquarium? If you had, you'd now how sensitive ocean life is to changes in temperature, salinity, and other water qualities -- changes much smaller than those that the Great Flood would have caused.
"In fact if you take the demensions that was given to Noah then the animals needed would only fill half the ark leaving plenty of room for supplies ..."
Prove it by doing it!
"... and ofcourse he didnt need the fish because well they can swim evidence for this is the abundance in aquatic life in the world."
Worst circular reasoning evar!!!
Do yourself a favour- don't try to keep goldfish.
The animals would fill only half the ark? Are you nuts? It's not like you can just pack them all together with no room to breathe. The people who make this kind of argument are the same kind of people who think that a 40 cubic metre shipping container could hold 64000 1cm cubed insects.
The whole Noah story is confused. First it says he was to take two of each animal; then some bronze age Arab goat-herder remembered Noah would need a few for sacrifice, so he upped it to seven of the "clean" animals; then it was back to two again. Then God tells him two or three different times to get into the boat. Then we're told about three times that he got into the boat. The whole thing sounds like a collection of a bunch of different versions of the story.
I don't suppose one of the believers has tried the practical approach to this? By that I mean building a replica from gopher wood (whatever that is), populating it with 2 or 5 of every creature (or kind) - allowing sufficient time to hunt down the non local types, floating it in a body of water for 40 days (though presumably it should be more, to allow for the flood water to recede), crew it with 8 people, and come out with all creatures intact, healthy, and returning the creatures to whence they came.
Thought not.
<Edit> Though I concede that this guy has come close -
Okay, but there still is the problem of buoyancy, balance, and the pure size of Noah's ark (supposedly a boat that big needs metal support to stay upright) that make the story of Noah completely improbable. Then there is the whole problem of the rapidly changing water salinity that would have killed off every fish.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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