Pharaoh - what on earth are you rambling about? What does that quote prove in regards to what you're saying? This text explains an obsession I developed because that girl was the first person who wanted me and I couldn't find anybody else who did for a long time.
Something you will NEVER EVER experience or understand because nobody will ever want you, with your obesity, autism and lack of any attractive features whatsoever. The text says nothing about why I wasn't a feminist, which I was. I believed in basic feminist nonsense, like women's suffrage, slut empowerment and similar idiotic notions. In those days it would be horrendous for me to believe that modern Western women should be raped and killed or even that women shouldn't vote. The idea that I would rape a woman would never come to my mind in those days (just like various other ideas I shunned because I went through similar brainwashing you did- sleeping with a schizophrenic woman, fucking a girl below the age of consent etc). It would be unfathomable in those days for me to try and rape some woman who is just a stranger. In those days it would have been seen as horrific - because feminism made me oblivious to reality.
You are using a traumatic situation I found myself in because I couldn't find anybody else to somehow try and prove that I wasn't a feminist but your point is all batshit. Feminism had nothing to do with it. I became obsessed because she was like suddenly gaining a billion dollar lottery winning ticket and then wind blowing it away. There was no going back from this. Every healthy man in my situation would have done the same if he wanted a girlfriend, because at the time I had no knowledge of the alternatives.
But I had no knowledge of the alternatives once again exactly because I was insane like you are now - I didn't know that modern Western women want to be raped, that it is impossible to date them etc etc. I believed in some romantic love while being romantically in love with an animal who I didn't at the time recognize was an animal. Today she would be gang raped by my friends and kept in straight line, just like my current girlfriend is kept in straight line. In 2008, the idea of my group of friends gang raping my girlfriend would be seen as horrific. Things change. You find new things out.
To people as ignorant and delusional as Passerby and Pharaoh having a Western girlfriend taught manners by being gang raped and terrorized would be horrendous. Well, not as if they'll ever get the chance to try it actually out but such lack of appropriate measures is why all of their relationships with Western scum would collapse practically immediately.
You're quoting a text talking about something completely unrelated to feminism and using it some sort of proof when it proves - what? And hahahah where in the text does it speak about Madonna/Whore complex? In those days I was just dreaming about having both love and sex with that person. Do you understand? I WAS RETARDED JUST LIKE YOU ARE RIGHT NOW. Jesus fuck you're retarded. Besides, Madonna/Whore complex doesn't even exist, it is basic male nature to want to use different women for sex exclusively and sex in a relationship.
Same with the hatred/adulteration thing. I adored one woman because she was a Black Swan event of the type I described. I didn't adore all women as a feminist but mistakenly believed in some "equality" and slut empowerment (which is the essence of feminism). You simply can't understand written text and make the craziest conclusions which have nothing to with reality. I started hating modern Western women not because of one woman or this woman at all. I started hating them in 2012 when I realized what they really were - incorrigible cum buckets that hate even basic respect and want to be raped and killed on the street. This was years after this event.
But by now I've been with other women and that woman isn't even usually seen by me as a first girlfriend and I am by now with my third girlfriend. Again, something you will never, ever, ever experience,
You're insane.
Passerby - and you're even crazier than him. I post on various blogs and sites where I am wanted. Hell, this quote alone is from a blog where I am wanted and respected. Typical passerby. Invent something crazy within the first few sentences (well, words usually) and run along with it. Passerby, all of your problems with your family were, I believe, due to those poor people wanting to get away from a crazy fuck. I feel sorry for them.