Renton405 #fundie

[So you're ok with killing people who don't share the same beliefs as you (justifying it by saying they all want to kill people of your faith), but forcing someone into giving birth is a-o-k with you? Are you insane?]

Christians are being exterminated in the middle east. They are nearly extinct..

Forcing?? Its not my fault they got pregnant. They were the one having sex outside of marriage and doing careless things. Does a baby have to be ripped apart because of someones carelessness?

I say no. They have a right, just as anyone else. They need to deal with the consequences or adopt.

[You've failed to answer the most damning criticism, that if people didn't pay for what they didn't like, the United States would grind to a halt.]

Funding abortions with tax money does NOTHING for this country. It just makes it worse. I agree in necessary things that people don't want to pay. But abortion isn't one of those necessary things



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