Douglas J. Bender #fundie

God created the world without suffering, evil, or death. God gave Adam and Eve "dominion" over the world, and the world (the Earth and all "within" it) became subject to their authority. When they submitted their authority to Satan (effectively), and corrupted their purity by sinning, they gave the dominion of the Earth over to Satan (effectively). Because of their sin, the Earth was cursed "for their sake", probably because this was due punishment for them. Also, the suffering of innocent animals would be an object lesson for humanity, pointing to their own lack of innocence. Necessary, but not God's desire; redeemable, since the Bible says that the Earth was subjected to futility, not "willingly", but it will be delivered from the "bondage of corruption". Sin has consequences more severe than a "time-out", and causes the innocent to suffer, until God puts a stop to it, which He will do.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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