++"FYI you atheists... America was FOUNDED by puritan Christians. "
Which explains why the early history of the country was one of genocide and witch-hangings.
++"That's right, Puritan Christians laid their lives down for YOU to have the freedom to believe you came from a rock.... "
Actually the ones you refer to laid down their lives trying to form their own little theocracy in which their religion would have total control, which is reflected in the laws they passed and harsh punishments they ordered in those days. Like laws requiring church attendance, for instance, and the sentencing of suspected heretics to death via hanging or crushing.
++"This is a Christian Country, like it or not."
Incorrect. By the logic you're using, this is actually a shamanistic country. If you don't like the worship of Clever Fox then you can get the fuck out.
++"Congress printed out BIBLES in the late 1700's/early 1800's and passed them out to ALL THE SCHOOLS.... "
They also bred syphilis in a lab and passed it out while claiming that it was a cure so they could study its effects. Just because they did something doesn't mean that what they did was correct, ethically or legally.
Huh. Seems they have a thing for distributing infectious lies that can only hurt us.
++"The Word of God is the foundation of this Country."
Actually the foundation of the country is freedom from an indifferent foreign master who saw the colonists as little better than fruit to be squeezed and tossed aside.
++"Go to communist China you g-dless fools"
Go to Iran you historically ignorant, superstitious fucktard.
++"This is a Christian Country."
Saying it over and over doesn't make it true. It just shows that even you know in the back of your mind that you're wrong and thus you need the constant reinforcement.