"abortion-loving leftists, who of course, profit from the industry."
And the righteous indignation-generating rightist pastors, who of course, profit from their tithe-paying fundie sheeple. Your point?
You lot short-stroke it over abortion, since Roe vs. Wade in 1973, just to get your righteous indignation jollies. If you say otherwise abcgrad94 & all your 'Pro-Life' ilk in the US, then riddle me this: 38 years. More than long enough for your precious GOP - and their Religious Right bumchums - to exert enough political pressure upon the Repubicans to repeal Roe vs. Wade. So why haven't they, hmmmmmm?!
A clue for free, hotshot: if RvW was repealed, and abortion under all circumstances - no exceptions - was illegal, said right-wing Repubicans would never get elected again. Fact is, Roe vs. Wade has been one of - if not the greatest electoral asset the GOP has had. They've certainly profited from such. Hypocrisy, thy name is Fundie indeed.
And if you fundies had your way in everything, re. political policy, thus not just the US, but the entire world was just exactly as you fundies wanted it, you'd have to kill yourselves.
'Evil must have Good to feed upon. And then, destroys itself'
-Ancient Chinese proverb