Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il
It waits patiently in the homes of millions, waiting to infect its unassuming victims. There is no bias, no preference based on age or gender. Everyone is equally susceptible to this equal-opportunity killer. Every day, in the "safety" of our own homes, we come into contact with its venom, but we don't feel the sting right away. Like radiation poisoning, it builds up slowly, steadily, until its effects are felt through our ravaged bodies, and we become helpless to fight off the deadly sickness. Though most of us become infected as children, we don't notice the cumulative effects until we are much older, if ever. The biggest problem with this disease is that we willingly invite it in. Not only do we invite it into our lives, we relish every moment that we are being infected. That's one of its tricks; like chocolate-covered poison, as Rabbi Brody says. If you haven't guessed what sneaky killer I'm referring to, I'll give you a hint.
Unfortunately, the problem with addiction to television began before most of us had a say in the matter. As young, unassuming children, we trusted our parents' actions and even until today, don't think twice about it. How do I know that TV is an addiction for most children? Let me ask you- do you remember how MAD you got when your parents turned off the TV? Were you begging for just one more minute? Did you burst into tears? Did you stop your feet and threaten to not eat dinner? This behavior is much too similar to addiction, don't you think?
And don't think any of this is accidental. The media knows exactly what they're doing! Since the 1950's they have been successfully turning most of the nation into TV zombies, programming their brains with exactly the desires they want them to have.
In conclusion, I can't think of one positive reason for anyone to watch TV, especially a child. In every respect, TV literally kills the innocence and potential of a child. They should be enjoying the afternoons running outside or using their limitless, G-d given imaginations. Childhood is such a short, precious gift. Let's not take it away from them. Parents, if you want the best for your children, get rid of the TV. You won't regret it.