God mathematically proven! A recorded vision delivers the scientific proof for the existence of God
According to a Greek magazine ( Mystery - Nr.39/2008), a Greek painter had in the spring of 2001 in Athens a vision and recorded it. The vision contained 132 capital letters of the Greek alphabet that created a quandrangular shape 11 to 12. A study revealed that the text is readable in 115 different ways in the ancient Greek language and parallel it encloses depictions and symbols. Besides, it can be simoultaneously deciphered mathematically with main keystone of the deciphering the number 666, which is known from the New Testament as the number mentioned in the end of the thirteenth chapter of the Revelation of St.John. The whole process of the deciphering shows off an unbreakable mathematical, geometrical and theological coherence which in the end presents 10 big revealing texts.
A famous (BBC,REUTERS,Guardian etc.) Greek artist ( the person who saw the vision ?) named Athanasio Celia, wrote a book which deciphered the text of the vision and announced that the vision, which has as its principal symbol the crucifix of Jesus Christ, is the Contemporary Revelation. The Greek book is listed by the biggest bookseller in Athens next to the books of Einstein and Hawking ( for free audio-visual evidence go to www.666DNA.com ).
Finally, one of the most prominent German publishing companies ( C.H.Beck Verlag, since 1763 ) examined the book and through its lectorate decided that '' the deciphering of the vision with the 132 Greek letters and from this following scientific proof for the existence of God is for sure a great event''.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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