[Note to moderator(s): The quote itself is a little long- I'm sorry, but it's so fundamentalist I wasn't sure what to cut. You can cut it as needed, of course.]
Do you have any idea how many Vietnam VETS have been, and continue to have all kinds of "Psychological" problems? If there are no apparent reasons for your nightmares, etc., the cause is this - During the war, and maybe even today, the Vietnamese people placed VOODOO and WITCHCRAFT curses on their "enemy". If you don't believe in DELIVERANCE, you will probably not believe this either.
Start doing Deliverance on all your symptoms. Break all curses that were placed on you. What have you got to lose? Nothing! What have you got to gain? Everything!
Become a Christian and go through DELIVERANCE! Be sure to break all the curses placed on you and your family.
Deliverance is a lot better than taking drugs.
People who put annoying music on their sites which can't be turned off or muted belong in the ninth circle of hell. After a few repetitions I can actually feel my brain melting.
What A Friend said. This whole website is just stunningly insane and stupid. I'd say Poe except it's so vast.
Do you have any idea how many Vietnam VETS have been, and continue to have all kinds of "Psychological" problems?
Yes post traumatic stress syndrome. Actually only occurs in about less then 10% of all vets, it's just over glorified in movies.
If there are no apparent reasons for your nightmares, etc., the cause is this - During the war, and maybe even today, the Vietnamese people placed VOODOO and WITCHCRAFT curses on their "enemy". If you don't believe in DELIVERANCE, you will probably not believe this either.
Okay first of all voodoo is not Asian, so you're an ignorant fuck. Also there is a very logical explanation for post traumatic stress syndrome. Seriously how can you live being so paranoid of other cultures?
I believe in Deliverance. I saw it in the theater. Ned Beatty was great.
That being said, Deliverance would be made a lot better BY taking drugs... the right ones, of course.
So all those bullets, crappy weather, POW camps, booby traps, artillery shells, agent orange, and various other traumas associated with warfare had absolutely nothing to do with it.
And another thing, Voodoo isn't a Vietnamese religion. It's an Afro-Caribean one.
Wow, you guys really "love" my quote-a solid 5! I'm glad I submitted it then.
While I do feel bad submitting something withut the actual writers pernission, it is aleady up there on the Internet for everyone to see. And I'm an evil non-Christian anyway.
I went to the site after it was previously mentioned in another quote-there is a lot more there that is crazy, believe you me.
Thank you, mods, for not cutting anything out of my original submission-there was just so much there I left in the whole four paragraphs.
"Deliverance is a lot better than taking drugs."
I agree. However, no matter how much I prayed and read the Bible, God did not take away my OCD. I had to turn to modern pharmaceuticals to do that, and while the result is not perfect, I am much healthier than I was before, with no intervention from God. Maybe because it's not mentioned by name in the Bible?
The best is what, as the one who submitted it, comes after. He says that there was an interview, in 1989, with a supposed ex-buddisht monk which told him that the Vietnamese have put a curse on them.
This guy knows NOTHING of the Buddhist religion. To begin with, is a non-theistic religion and has no rituals. They believe, true, in the spirits of the ancestors, but they don't have any rituals to contact them or to get anything. They don't have the same concept of whitchcraft than as we do and, certainly, is by no means performed by buddhist monks. Their philosophy consists just in looking for ways to relieve their grief, that's all, it has more to do with ascetic and mystic practices. Conclusion, this guy is inventing all this to gain attention.
In fact, the whole article's background is atonishing and demonstrates the horrible ignorance and ethnocentrism of the writer. To begin with, it's impossible that the Vietnamese made Vodoo or Witchcraft, not only because those concepts are aliens to their culture but because there isn't even an equivalent. The culture of that region isn't an animistic culture, that is, they don't believe in "spirits" as agents to cause anything. They believe in the spirit of their ancestors, but the physical influence in their lives are believed to be limited.
Second, they can't send curses. Vietnam is one of the countries with most atheists in the world(and surely so were the Viet Cong troops they fought against)and buddhism is not known to have this type of rituals(normal, since it's a non-theistic religion). In short, this guy has come to the conclusion that something which is perfectly normal, not just for a psychiatrist or a sane person, but for a devout Christian, that is, that war can be traumatic, is actually "demon possesion", to earn notoriety, I think. And he has invented this story of the Buddhist ex-monk to make it more credible to people who, to begin with, are ready to believe(moreover, I don't even think that the Vet who's puportedly saying that is even real)
"Deliverance is a lot better than taking drugs."
No, no, it really isn't...
As some here know, I've got (or at least used to before she quit my school) a close friend who was in a pretty terrible natural disaster. Funny, she exhibits the same symptoms of demon possession.
The atheist, Satanic Communist psychiatrists call it PTSD, as in Post-Traumatic **SATANIC** Disorder!!!11
A good helping of crazy.
Oddly, I don't particularly mind using the word "Voodoo" to describe unknown mystic practices. It's similar to people using the words Kung Fu or Karate to describe a martial arts school they don't care to learn the name of and probably couldn't reliably pronounce even if they tried.
Also, did anyone else think that these guys were peddling some kind of topical snake oil? Like a literal salve to place on your "symptoms".
Who knows though, it might ACTUALLY work. I don't know the supposed chemical changes in a PTS patient, or the treatment procedures, but it seems like believing you're being healed should be a big part of it.
By "DELIVERANCE" I am assuming you are referring to exorcism?
all I've read on exorcism seems to sugest that it is violent, dangerous, and sometimes fatal. furthermore it seems that they are only to be done after mental disorders are ruled out.
Hm... Something tells me that this is quite possibly the most disturbing thing you can tell vietnam vets.
They were basically kids, conscripted to go kill people, not volunteers or professional soldiers. They were not in a war where they knew they were good guys. They did terrible things. They had terrible things done to them. They were not well trained and often thrown into the deep end against an enemy who was cunning and resourceful and knew the value of "fear".
In case you hadn't noticed, the Vietnamese WON.
We got wupped and deserved to be.
Voodoo has created by the slaves in the Carribean as a counter to the enforced religion of thier "loving christian" masters.
Voodoo was the creation of christianity, so if you want to hunt for the guilty, just look in any mirror.
During the war, and maybe even today, the Vietnamese people placed VOODOO and WITCHCRAFT curses on their "enemy". If you don't believe in DELIVERANCE, you will probably not believe this either.
1) Maybe even today? Since you raised a doubt, your whole argument falls flat.
2) Watch this: I don't have to believe in deliverance because I don't believe in voodoo or witchcraft either. See how easy that was?
3) I think there are some Vets who would like to talk...er, beat the shit out of you, Stan-o, for trivializing their very-real medical problem.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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