["But don't all the other religions have faith in their gods? Why is our God special?"]
Because HE LIVES!!!
[Check out the rest of the thread too]
He.. lives? don't you mean he lived? Someone based on a supposedly factual person, rather than someone who was created by nothing more than mythos?
Because, you know.. without a physical body taking up physical space, one cannot live. And if he ascended to heaven, I don't think his body passed through the spiritual barrier between heaven and earth.
Yeah, he lives here at my place. Right now, he's resting after a long day protesting the Iraq War with the local GLBT club, but when he gets up, he's going to be contacting his lawyer to sue you fundies for claiming to represent him and tarnishing his name.
Right. And no other god whatsoever, in any of the world's mythologies, especially not the major ones, is claimed to be still alive. Right.
Our "religion" is the only one with a God Who is alive. Other religions are based on "gods" who have long been dead. Lying for Jesus is still lying.
In addition to my faith, I can also see the evidence of God's existence in my life and in creation. Thread locked.
Right, the world's perfect in my narrow-minded eyes, so my God must have created it. No other god, all-mighty or not, could have done so, so it must have been good ole Yahweh.
That's some non-explanation, there.
I swear, the people at T4C have their heads so far up their asses, they might be in danger of swallowing their own foreheads.
Oh well. Too late. Fuck it.
The worm Orouborous, swallowing his tail;
the rectum of Mrs Lace, swallering her head...
There's a meaningful scriptural connection here...feel it? FEEL IT?
[Check out the rest of the thread too]
Oh [lack of] God, I just did.
I didn't realize that Brother Randy had won the "2006 Fundie of the Year" award, which features a silhouette of a guy literally banging a bible.
I thought those bible-banger silhouettes were a PARODY! :-O
Because you say so?
Not very convincing.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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