Dear mighty Lord give us thy blessings to make as quick a profit as is possible.
Please, O Lord, let it be known to us that we have your permission to exercise our penchant for bigotry and hatred in your holy name.
When we are accused of worshiping Mammon, may we, O mighty God, say that Mammon is just another of your glorious names.
Leave us, O merciful God, your blessed consent to commit heinous crimes so that we may justify the criminal acts in your holy name, but give us, O understanding Lord, the hypocrisy to unremittingly accuse others who commit the same crimes.
Dear God, long may we continue to practice the arts of deception and have the ability to glibly lie in order to deceive the stupefied masses and bring unto our monetary clutches the gullible fool.
It is our fondest wish, O Lord, to utilize your awesome omnipotence and make use of your limitless forbearance and to, um, er, ever so slightly twist the meaning of your incomparably radiant glory and love of all humanity, so that we stir up the gormless peasants and use them for our own political ends.
We, in all humble deference to your holy omnipresence, are quick to accuse and persecute and kill and are rigorously racist for the sake of your blond-haired, blue-eyed son Jesus.
Dear God, thanks very much for enriching our weapons-manufacturing brethren and long may we continue to wend our belligerent way in the world causing death and destruction in your holy name.
We promise, O God, to continue on our righteous path of faggot hating, war mongering, bigotry, lies, racism, specially the niggers, deception of the gullible, and the raking in of lovely, lovely profit, no matter what the cost.