[Why won't God heal amputees, you may ask? Well AiG has an answer that is so satisfying that it'll blow your fucking mind!]
God has done greater works than restoring limbs. If He created the entire universe out of nothing, spoke all plants and animals into existence, sculpted and breathed life into the first two humans, and raised His Son from death, it is clear that He has the power to heal amputees if and when it is His will.
[Ta da!]
He created the entire universe out of nothing, spoke all plants and animals into existence, sculpted and breathed life into the first two humans, and raised His Son from death
He did all that years ago. What's he done for mankind lately?
If you don't want to answer the question because you feel it is asked from a false perspective or something, why don't you come out and say that, instead of pretending to answer the question with the answer to another question?
So, he can heal amputees; he just doesn't want to.
Why would anyone worship such a cruel, capricious, selfish jerk?
He created the entire universe out of nothing, spoke all plants and animals into existence, sculpted and breathed life into the first two humans, and raised His Son from death
... and found innumerable peoples' car keys, made their lost dogs come home, helped them get the latest toy for Christmas and kept their cakes from falling; but He doesn't cure cancer, stop tsunamis, keep people from starving to death in Darfur or prevent suicide bombers from blowing up school buses. He has some strange priorities.
So obviously, he can't restore appendages, but he can create them. For instance, he created these two pricks.
So...he can, he just doesn't want to. First, I realized that argument when I was five.
"I can fly! Really!"
"Okay...prove it. Fly."
"I can, I just don't want to."
So, one's left to take another's word on it, with no proof whatsoever. And is left with the gnawing feeling that said person's lying through their teeth. So you have three options:
1.) God's lying, and he can't do it,
2.) God can but withholds that power, to let his creations suffer, which makes him a prick, or,
3.) He doesn't exist, and shit happens.
Please tell me which it is.
Okay, so you say he can, you didn't answer the question of why he wont.
Get back to us with that, will you.
"It is clear that He has the power to heal amputees if and when it is His will."
Translation: When medical science discovers how to regrow limbs, we'll claim it's a miracle of god's will.
Right. Let's start from the fact that you claim Ga has the power to heal amputees, if it is his will. So then, it must not be his will to heal amputees.
Now, if it is not his will to heal amputees, why should he wish to heal lesser catergories of wounds and illnesses?
In fact, if he does heal lesser illnesses and does nothing for amputees, then he is hardly a very likable sort of god. Amputees need healing more than any other I can think of. Again, he is shown to be not very likable.
Take this a step further and draw from it the nature of the kind of person who says the sort of thing that Galling and UpChurch have just said...
Pretty despicable altogether. Uncaring, mean and heartless.
If this is your god and your religion, it explains, in a very nasty way, that you and your beliefs are selfserving and without compassion. As to your claims that your god is all-loving and merciful, they are blatant lies. What loving parent would leave his child to suffer when he has the power to heal? Only the sort that are brought before the courts for child neglect.
"God is perfect", they say.
But? He amuses Himself by fucking with people. If God had a cat He would chase the poor creature with a squirt-gun.
That's one big, fat, fuckin' IF ya got there, buddy!
Doctor Whom: God's been losing horsepower for quite some time. Even in the time of Moses, all He could muster up was a bunch of frogs and bugs. Wow! Frogs and bugs by the River Nile! A miracle!
".....He created the entire universe out of nothing, spoke all plants and animals into existence, sculpted and breathed life into the first two humans, and raised His Son from death, it is clear that He has the power to heal amputees if and when it is His will."
Not only won't he heal amputees - he cannot make his own money. Always begging. Never delivering/
Yeah well....I ALSO HAVE THE POWER TO HEAL AMPUTEES...if it's in my will, of course. And it's not, sorry. But i really can do it, trust me.
Yeah, fuck them, i'll get to work when i feel like it, nevermind their suffering! Afteralli can't feel any pain so who cares?
"God has done greater works than restoring limbs. If He created the entire universe out of nothing, spoke all plants and animals into existence, sculpted and breathed life into the first two humans, and raised His Son from death, it is clear that He has the power to heal amputees if and when it is His will"
Translation: 'God can't heal amputees because he doesn't exist, but we fundies are too scared to admit this, because the whole edifice of religious 'belief' & thus our deluded worldview would be shattered'
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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