By the way, to directly answer your question: there is a very large group which claims to be Christian, and they have murdered millions in the name of Christ. However they are not Christians. In fact, it was the true believers they murder. Who, you ask? The Roman Catholic Church.
However they are not Christians
Sure they are. The Bro doesn't get to define the words the rest of us use. Roman Catholics are certainly not Landmark Baptists. Neither are most other Christians, including most Baptists. That's to their credit. Landmark Baptists are among the most bigoted, hate-filled loonies on the planet.
OK....the fact that during the Crusades, the "true believers" the church was offing were mostly Muslim, and that during the Inquisition the "true believers" they were sending to join the choir invisible were mostly Muslims and Jews ....
....makes me nominate Bro Randy here for the Closet Muslim (With A Dash of Jew) Award.
How do we define that?
Numbers? The Holy Catholic Church is the single most important religion in the world.
The Bible? The Holy Catholic Church designed the Bible. What you are reading is what the Catholic Church wanted you to read.
Obeisance to you as God's will made manifest? Ah, there we have it.
well if god truly does exist, and jesus came down from heaven to save you, catholocism would be the only true religion and i'm pretty sure god wouldn't want you to twist and rewrite the bible you your own liking.
John 3:16, aka "Christianity in a Nutshell" reads:
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
Catholics do this, ergo they are Christian. You lose.
Independent Fundamental Baptists, the Church of Christ, and Calvinists seem to top the fundie food chain. Ironically enough, each of these group regard the other two as cults.
The NT is a curious document, as it allows its most zealous 'believers' to sidestep Christian virtue completely.
So, Bro Randy, when will you stop hiding behind twisted scripture, and face up to your own Zionism?
Matty The Red- AWESOME image!
As for you, Randy, good grief. Are you completely stupid? Saying they aren't Christian doesn't change what they are. And Newsflash- there are many Christians out there who are ~gasp~ Gay! Quake in fear, Randy-boy.
The Bro's attitude can be summarized in the following, taken from the "what we believe" of an independent Baptist church:
"Only Scriptural Baptist churches can make a legitimate claim to an unbroken succession back to the time of Christ and the apostles. Christ only built one kind of church and that church is described in detail in the New Testament. The only churches meeting the requirements of that description today are true Baptist churches. Baptist churches have existed in every age since their founding by Christ, though they have not always been known by that name. We do not deny that there are those in other so-called “churches” that have been born again by the grace of God. We do deny, however, that these man-made organizations are true churches of our Lord Jesus Christ."
In other words, no one is a Christian except us. Note that T4C is not the only group the Bro posts in, and his views on other forums are even more vitriolic against non-Baptists than they are here. The guy's a real bigot, not far from Fred Phelps and his lot.
There goes Bro. Randy lying for Jesus again.
This tard is so ignorant of the historical development of his own religion, it's painful to watch.
The first true believers became the Catholic Church, you idiot.
Stop getting your facts from fucking Chick tracts.
Randy, just because you don't like the Catholics' actions, it doesn't mean they're not Christian.
Yes, it's sad, but y'know what? Deal with it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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