Kingdom Identity Ministries is a Politically Incorrect Christian Identity outreach ministry to God's chosen race (true Israel, the White, European peoples). We proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom (government according to God's Law) through books, tracts, tapes, videos, the American Institute of Theology Bible Correspondence Course, our international Herald of Truth Radio Broadcasts, a Prison Ministry, Biblical Counseling, Seminars, and other means. The Elect Remnant, Christian Patriots, Nationalists, Reconstructionists, Racialists, and all seeking a higher level of understanding will learn Biblical solutions to personal and national problems, and be given keys to unlock hidden truth.
"Kingdom Identity Ministries is a Politically Incorrect Christian Identity outreach ministry to God's chosen race (true Israel, the White, European peoples). We proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom (government according to God's Law) through books, tracts, tapes, videos, the American Institute of Theology Bible Correspondence Course, our international Herald of Truth Radio Broadcasts, a Prison Ministry, Biblical Counseling, Seminars, and other means. The Elect Remnant, Christian Patriots, Nationalists, Reconstructionists, Racialists, and all seeking a higher level of understanding will learn Biblical solutions to personal and national problems, and be given keys to unlock hidden truth."
In other words, the KKK clothed in a slightly less smelly sack of shit. Got it.
Actually, this is what your Bible's "Chosen People" would have looked like at the time of the Old Testament.
Yeah that's right. The Hebrew were a Semitic people who came from what is now called Iraq. In other words, they were those dirty brown people you're so afraid of.
God's chosen race- white people!? You have GOT to be kidding.
How about "God's chosen oppressors", or "God's chosen trial for the REAL chosen race".
Kingdom Identity Ministries is a bunch of sad, inconsequential racist fucks. We sat around and made up a bunch of shit based on the Bible and are seeking to promote it. Racists, thugs, bigots, fundamentalists, and idiots will find spurious justification for their prejudices and a sense of belonging to a big strong group to compensate for being failures at existence on every level.
I honestly wonder what these people would think were they ever to stand face to face with the real Jesus.
My imagination tells me they'd use some racist slur and tell him to get the fuck out of the way.
Politically incorrect,huh?Well, two can play this game!
Die in a fire, you inbred shitheads.Nobody will miss you.
You know, I had thought that we were DONE with this bullshit once upon a time. I had thought that when Churchill made his speech about Britain's finest hour, standing up against the Nazis, it was pretty much declared, "NO. Humanity will not put up with this fucking horseshit so long as we still draw breath. Fuck racism, let's move on."
I had believed that after the camaraderie was forged during World War ll between the races, and Martin Luther King enthralled audiences at the nation's capital with his "I have a dream" speech, and the 1964 Civil Rights Act was signed, we wouldn't have to go BACK and deal with that shit anymore.
I especially thought racism was officially DEAD when a black man was elected president.
Now I see it was just sleeping off it's wounds, and is still as ugly as ever.
It's so mainstream now that we actually had A SCHISM WITHIN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY over the establishment Republicans NOT BEING FUCKING RACIST AND CRAZY ENOUGH. Our far-far-right wing party was split because people were just that fucking off the charts.
Now this kind of shit almost seems normal to me.
From their site ( ):
WE BELIEVE in an existing being known as the Devil or Satan and called the Serpent (Gen. 3:1; Rev. 12:9), who has a literal "seed" or posterity in the earth (Gen. 3:15) commonly called Jews today (Rev. 2:9; 3:9; Isa. 65:15). These children of Satan (John 8:44-47; Matt. 13:38; John 8:23) through Cain (I John 2:22, 4:3) who have throughout history always been a curse to true Israel, the Children of God, because of a natural enmity between the two races (Gen. 3:15), because they do the works of their father the Devil (John 8:38-44), and because they please not God, and are contrary to all men (I Thes. 2:14-15), though they often pose as ministers of righteousness (II Cor. 11:13-15). The ultimate end of this evil race whose hands bear the blood of our Savior (Matt. 27:25) and all the righteous slain upon the earth (Matt. 23:35), is Divine judgment (Matt. 13:38-42, 15:13; Zech. 14:21).
So, we Jews come from the same mother and father (Adam and Eve) as they do but are yet a separate race?
Hey, you sound just like this guy:
"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
But I think you would consider that a good thing.
Fundie and racist.
The Jesus of the Gospels would have been a True Jew, dark, hairy and swarthy, with a beard. He would have smelled of the sweat of work and of garlic; his teeth might nove needed the attention of modern orthodontology, and he would have spoke Aramaic - not King James English. I doubt his arab-like Middle Eastern looks would have passed muster by the KKK or KIM either.
In a surprise to absolutely no one, the Southern Poverty Law Center has them listed as a hate group. Also as Xotan said, Jesus would have not been a white guy with brown hair so their own prophet wouldn't be accepted by them.
[God's chosen race (true Israel, the White, European peoples).]
Anyone with a fourth grade education can tell you that the early Israelites were NOT white.
Umm - the chosen people would have looked like Palestinians do today. Why are Europeans involved?
Oh, it must be because the authors are European. Religious thinking is so transparent when you get a handle on it.
I don't get why fundies treat being politically incorrect as a badge of honor. Great, you can express exactly how big of a bigoted asshole you are. Congratulations. Granted, political correctness can be annoying sometimes but only when it's taken so far that you can't insult anyone, for example this fucknugget. But tolerance for people of different races and cultures is a good thing.
Should have known the Church of Jesus Christ - Christian has long been associated with the white supremacist movement, not much of a surprise given their mission statement. What I bet they "conveniently" omit is that their compounds fly the Nazi flag and condone and even encourage the atrocities of that ideology.
Sort of peculiar for people of European ancestry to use Semitic mythology to claim that they're the chosen race, or whatever.
Wouldn't it make more sense to use their own native myths? What happened to "Your god died nailed to a cross, mine carries a hammer; do the math?"
When a 5 years old is the first of his class to mutter "the teacher is stupid", the other kids briefly think he's done something courageous and dary. By the time they're 6, most of them know that there's nothing impressive about insulting people and save the bad words for when they're angry.
Then there are the adults who are dumber than 6 years old kids. These ones proudly call themselves "politically incorrect" and to let everyone know that they mistake their lack of manners for courage.
And speaking of courage, how many times do we have to witness conversations that go like this:
- All members of [group] are bad!
- I belong to [group].
- MOST of them are, you're one of the few who are fine.
Jesus: "I love you, my son."
Christian: "Fuck off, sandnigger!"
@Solomon - Christian Identity adherents believe that when Eve was tempted by Satan as a snake in the garden of Eden, she gave in to more than the temptation of the apple. According to them, Eve had actually mated with the snake, and from there had Cain whom they believe is the one ancestor the Jews came from. Hence the screwed up Jews=Satanic connection they believe.
Then of course Eve "knew" or "layed down" with Adam and had Abel. Abel is the ancestor Chistian Identity adherants try to claim to be decendants of.
For more reading check out:
Like everyone else has been saying, say all you want, Kingdom Identity Ministries. We still think you're a bunch of delusional a**holes who are not interpreting the scriptures correctly at all. Don't believe me, if you had kept reading a little further, Genesis 4:1 would have shot that idea to s**t.
@#1317052 and @Xotan
To quote from the Antichrist:
En las películas y pinturas sale como un cabrón guapo, alto, fornido, etc. pero según una recreación en computadora el sujeto en cuestión se veía así. [...] Me cago en Mel Gibson por tomarme el pelo, realmente era feo ese cabrón.
In movies and paintings he always appears as some motherfucker who was tall, strong, handsome, etc. but according to a computer recreation the subject in question looked like this. [...] I shit in Mel Gibson for fooling me, he was really a very ugly motherfucker.
@D Laurier
"Kingdom Identity Ministries is a Politically Incorrect Christian Identity outreach ministry to God's chosen race" tl;dr...
All of which has been legislated out of existence (bar the BNP) here in the UK.
But then, having Luftwaffe planes drop bombs/V-1s & V-2s launched at you will do that to a country & it's people who will never forget. Certainly never forgive the unjustifiable thinking and attitudes behind such attacks upon your country.
Imagine what would have happened if, instead of Japan attacking Pearl Harbour, Hitler's Kriegsmarine had attacked, say, New York. Members of the KKK etc would have been put in internment camps instead of Japanese-Americans. And I suspect the whole 'Witchhunt' thing in the 50s may have been rather different too: 'Have you now or ever been a member of the Nazi Party?'
Looking at these inferior subhuman oxygen stealers, it's as if WWII had never happened.
Meh. No political power, no logic, no gonads, and they're Calvinists. Fail to the fourth power. Plus, I highly doubt they have more than a few thousand followers at the most. In short, stupid, meaningless, non-entities who are powerless to change anything.
Our country is being invaded,and this time the enemy is already inside the gate !
More at:
@ dionysus
Claiming to be non-politically correct is neocon shorthand for "unlike you, I think for myself." The latter is something of a mantra for them. We see this every time we point out the flaws in their reasoning or statistics. Their eventual response is always something like, "You're just a sheep, blindly repeating what Obama/CNN/The democrats/you public school teachers told you!"
I don't recommend following that up by asking them where the got their information from. It makes them...cranky.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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