theot58 #fundie
Your reasoning is silly. You want to me to show evidence that you cannot get order from chaos without an intelligent designer - are you nuts. That it self evident
The onus of proof is on evolutionists who assert that from chaos, order can emerge by the simple application of energy. This is counter to common sense and observation. This is what needs to proven.
Why don't you give it a go?
Consider just a small number of fundamental scientific problems with Darwinian/Macro evolution
1) Where did the information come from to build the DNA molecule?
- it contains over 4 Gigabits of programing data; we have never observed natural forces creating programming data
- a building is proof of a builder, a program is proof of a programmer, a design is proof of a designer
2) How did genders "evolve" from asexual organisms?
- Consider some of the challenges, have a look at this video
3) How do you explain symbiotic relationships while holding to gradual "evolution"?
- eg The bees need the flowers, the flowers need the bees - they both MUST exist togeter, how could this occur slowly or gradually
- What came first the Chicken or the egg?
4) Where are all the myriad of transition fossils that Darwin predicted?
- They were missing then and they are missing now.
- How can the Cambrian explosion of millions of fully formed organism appearing abrupty be explained by Evolution?
5) Which "evolved" first, the vagina or the penis?
- how did one "evolve" from the other?