For me, by contrast, although the nature of [Sarah Palin's] faith and the churches with which she has been associated certainly make me uneasy, they do not alarm me. That’s because I regard evangelicals as allies in the fight to defend authentic liberal, and thus moral, values which I believe are rooted in Judeo-Christian thinking. I’m sure that, had I been around during the Victorian era, I would not have cared either for the evangelicals then trying to convert everyone to Christianity – but the fact remains that it was through their faith that they campaigned against slavery and for just about every social reform that we now think of as enlightened and progressive. For me, ‘anti-intellectualism, insularity, social intolerance and anti-rationalism’ have indeed been unleashed upon our society – not by Christian evangelicals but by the forces of secular fundamentalism and bigotry through such phenomena as scientism, political correctness and post-modernism.
I'm sorry, but did the bitch just blame all the world's ills on, of all things, secularism ?
Oh, and slavery was originally promoted by the Bible, so don't fucking claim that slavery was also stopped by Christianity. A secular society that treated everyone as equals that hadn't been brainwashed into being asshats would not have enslaved people to begin with.
So, the evangelists were the ones who brought about abolition and social reform now? Nice that you are trying to push "anti-intellectualism" on a group that probably has never shown any inclinations or signs of such sentiment throughout the history pertinent to this discussion. And how is "political correctness and post-modernism" bigotry?
On an unrelated note, I actually just blogged about Melanie Phillips. Apparently she works for the Daily Mail and is a veritable gold-mine of fail.
Well.... At least she knows how to write, even if she has no single fact right in her statement.
That is far more than what I can say about the rest of the word salads i have seen in this page
Post-modernism is an art movement. Political correctness is politeness and good manners in a social context. And scientism is what Fundie Christians practice in lieu of erudition and science.
By their fruit shall you know them. Your fruit, lady, is very bitter, indeed.
For those not in the UK, Melanie Phillips is a right-wing moron masquerading as a "journalist".
But, of course, you can see that.
@toothache: "How the fuck does Mad Mel Phillips still have a job?"
Probably for the same reason that the Sun is Britain's best selling newspaper: we have our share of staggeringly stupid individuals who cling to such reactionary views as these becuase society is heading in direction that they're not intellectually equipped to deal with.
Wait so science is responsible for anti intellectualism, insularity, social intolerance and anti rationalism...
And Belief in a Sky God who will eternally torture you for not believing in him with blind faith is pro intellectual, pro homogenisation, socially tolerable and rational
What are you smoking and where can I get some of that?
"I would not have cared either for the evangelicals then trying to convert everyone to Christianity but the fact remains that it was through their faith that they campaigned against slavery and for just about every social reform that we now think of as enlightened and progressive."
Except for those who used the authority of their invisible man to defend slavery, oppose women voting, and eleiminate every social program there was.
(posted by a Christian nutcase on February 9, 2051)
If you look back at the 20th century and the first half of the 21st, you'll see that we Truly Saved True Christians were the ones who campaigned against homophobia, while the lie-beral athy-yeasts wanted to keep it.
The word's defined at Wikipedia, but here's one of the reasons you'll probably only hear it from a fundie:
"For instance, the philosopher of science Daniel Dennett responded to criticism of his book Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon by saying that "when someone puts forward a scientific theory that [religious critics] really don't like, they just try to discredit it as 'scientism " (Wikipedia - Scientism)
Slavery was promoted by christianity. After all, back in the day, black people didn't have souls, eh?
"... it was through their faith that they campaigned against slavery and for just about every social reform that we now think of as enlightened and progressive."
Yes. Evangelical Christians such as John Brown did campaign against slavery.
However, Evangelical Christians in the South campaigned for slavery.
I don't think their faith had anything to do with it.
Unfortunately when Melanie is talking about evangelicals she's probably just thinking about the slightly keener end of the Church of England, with the guitars and the chunky knit jumpers, not the outright batsh*t insanity of the crypto-facist, True-Christian evangelical-right.
And as for post-modernism, if its soooo evil, how come the nice Christian DI embraced relativism like the proverbial prodigal son in the wedge document?
Actually, she's somewhat right on one thing -- the Christians who campaigned against slavery were the " evangelicals then trying to convert everyone to Christianity" - the radical branches. The Christians defending slavery were generally more conservative types. And post-modernism IS stupid.
But HOW is this defending Palin? I doubt she would have been anti-slavery in the 1850s...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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