The climate changes. It always has and it always will. Very little is caused by man which is so minute that it is ridiculous to even consider it. Before there was industrialization, the Arctic and Antarctic were rain forests.
I am not against alternative energy...but not against what we have. Solar is not working or efficient yet. Wind farms are a mess and cause noise pollution.
Until there is something viable, then we have to use what we have. With American ingenuity, as long as government is not involved at all, someone will come up with something.
The climate has been cooling for 17 years btw. The ***********scientists********** tried to change the results by taking different models. For example, they measured in deep ocean for numbers and then they were caught then measuring in shallow waters close to the shore (to get the numbers they wanted instead of a clean measurement and analysis.
It is about money. It is not about anything else. If the government can make us at fault for climate changing, then they can take money from us (like California does) to fix it -- when it has been proven man has very little to do with it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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