"....All these years with Presidents from both sides issuing such directives...." even though a president has no authority of doing so.
He does not have any more authority to make or change federal law than JT does. He is an executive. He is not a law maker. He doesn’t have legislative power. Not some, not now, not ever and the people have not given Congress the power to give it to him even if they wanted to.
But all of this is a game. Nothing more. But the gullible voters, in their muddled minds, THINK this is something real.
The republicans are nothing but the system “tacking right” like any boat does as it sails to a destination. In case with any government the destination is total control. When you’ve been tacking "left" for a while, you tack back to the "right". That’s all elections are. We’d gone right for a while with Bush, so then we switched and tacked left with Obamao. Just as we had tacked left with Clinton after tacking right with the first Bush.
The course has not changed. Tacking is not a change of course it is how you get where you’re going. The people just don’t see that they are in fact ON COURSE.
The republicans play and integral and essential part of getting to prison island. Without them we would go too far left and people would jump up and realize they were headed in a crazy direction. That’s the purpose the republicans serve. They give the semblance of a counter balance. When all they really are is the other side of the steering mechanism.
And as president Obamao only has the RIGHT to do, as the president, what the CONstitution says he can, nothing more.
Is there any doubt that Obama is in fact acting illegally? No. Well, Timmy, the phantastically informed, is Google now the supreme law of the land ?
Tell me why I need to "google" ?
I thought the CONstitution is THE ultimate Document......
Can I find this strange "permanent majority" in this Supreme Document ?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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