Cindy #fundie

(On the topic of Pokemon)

I know some parents think it's "innocent fun", but to me for a Christian to have "innocent fun" with demons, just isn't possible...or at least shouldn't be. I know the child doesn't think they're "real" but that's just the problem in my mind...because as far as I'm concerned, they ARE real. Oh I don't mean that there are demons with those specific names and qualities, but there are demons and playing this game to me makes it seem as though demons are no big deal on the one hand; and then later, when the child is older, maybe old enough to get into things like dungeons and dragons etc. then the demons just may start to seem pretty what child wouldn't like to have those powers etc? Neither frame of mind is a good one in my opinion.

Then too the Lord says we are to avoid even the appearance of evil and this to me certainly falls in that category.



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