Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com
Apart from being great films, the 1972 classic, The Godfather, and the 1974 sequel, The Godfather II, are very educational and useful to "conspiracy theorists". Indeed, the universally recognized logo for The Godfather depicts the hand of a puppet-master "pulling the strings". The parallels between the film and real-life geo-politics are striking. There are False-Flag attacks (Roth's deliberately botched assassination attempt of Frank Pentangeli); Color Revolutions (Tom Hagen's threat to stir up Union problems if Johnny Fontaine doesn't get a movie role); phony defectors (Luca Brasi sent to infiltrate the Tataglia family); traitors (Carlo setting up Sonny to be killed), deliberate stand-downs (Paulie the body-guard calling out sick just before Don Corleone is shot), as well as blackmail, bought & paid for politicians, cops, and journalists, assassinations and more.
Understand The Godfather and understand the world. Understand the relationship between the powerful gangster named Barzini and his lower-ranking front-man, Tattaglia, and you will understand the dynamic at work between "Godfather" Obongo and his underling, Al Sharpton. Of course, Obongo himself has his own puppet-masters, but let's just keep this one simple.
The Tattaglia Mafia Family had been waging a brutal mob war against the Corleone family. After the Family 'Dons' lose their respective eldest sons, a "sit-down" of the warring parties is arranged. Presiding over the peace talks is Don Barzini who is, by all appearances, a neutral third party. However, during the meeting of the heads of the 'Five Families'. Barzini seems to favor the cause of the Tattaglias (to introduce drug trafficking to Mafia activities).
After the peace is made and the approval for trading in drugs is established, Don Vito Corleone (Marlon Brando) and his 'consigliere' (adviser) Tom Hagen (Robert Duval) are shown discussing the matter in the back seat of a car. The dialogue is priceless, and makes for one of the most memorable and iconic lines of the film:
Hagen: When I meet with Tattaglia's men, should I insist all their drug middlemen have clean records.
Corleone: Mention it. But don't insist. Barzini is a man who will know that without being told.
Hagen (confused): You mean Tattaglia.
Corleone: Tattaglia is a pimp. He never could have outfought Santino. But I didn't know until this day that it was Barzini all along.
After the round-table meeting, Don Corleone realizes that Don Tattaglia was just a front man for Don Barzini
What a film! But back to the subject at hand - Obongo's murderous race war against Whites and the related effort to Federalize the nation's police. As even the most dim-witted Boobus Americanus is aware by now, the Unreverend Al Charlatan and his incendiary bull-horn have incited Black mobs to violence in in Sanford, FL (St. Trayvon Martin affair), Ferguson, MO (St. Michael Brown Affair), New York (St. Eric Garner Affair) and, most recently, Baltimore, MD (St. Freddie Gray Affair).
Though most folks are indeed aware of Sharpton's (and others) prominent role in the worsening situation, "Don Barzini" in the White House remains untouched. Part of this is the result of the Marxist Media's (the ultimate 'Godfathers'!) protection of Obongo, but much of it has to do with Obongo's own cunning use of "buffers" (as mobster Willie Cicci describes in GodFather II).
Here is "the bottom line":
Since the installation of Obongo, Al 'Tattaglia' Charlatan has visited Barack 'Barzini' Obongo's White House more than 70 times, including 5 one-on-one meetings and 20 meetings with Senior staff members! (here)
Obongo can turn the racial tension and cop-killing on or off with the snap of his fingers. This is what Boobus Americanus fails to see. Let's start with the justified self-defense killing of the drugged-up burglarizing thug Trayvon Martin, and the unjust persecution of George Zimmerman down in Sanford, Florida. From CNN:
Florida: "U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to speak at an annual convention of the Rev. Al Sharpton's group, in which Trayvon Martin was a key issue, has been widely panned as a political ploy.
But maybe, just maybe, it's also evidence that the tamer version of the civil rights leader that we've seen in recent years -- the syndicated radio host, the MSNBC personality, the White House adviser -- is enjoying broader legitimacy these days.
"It certainly is a sign of Sharpton's very close relationship with the White House," said Boyce Watkins, a political analyst and Syracuse University economist."
Holder is a buffer for Obongo. Without his blessing, the circus in Florida would never have gotten off the ground.
Let's go to Ferguson, MO, where a drugged-up, 6'4", 300 pound thug Michael Brown tried to murder a White cop with his bare hands. From the New York Post:
"The Rev. Al Sharpton is the White House’s man on the ground in Ferguson.
The 59-year-old Sharpton has become a key adviser to President Obama on race issues, according to Politico, and is acting as his liaison in the racially charged St. Louis suburb, where the police shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown led to days of riots."
Can Obongo's role in the Ferguson disaster possible be any more obvious than that?
Let's go to New York, where, we must concede, that it does appear that the police should have eased up on a standard choke-hold when the obese suspect, Eric Garner, cried out before his heart-attack, "I can't breathe". Nonetheless, it matters not to the professional race-agitators if a particular event is a legitimate case of excessive force, or not.
From the New York Post:
"WASHINGTON — He never leaves home without him.
Bill de Blasio and “Co-Mayor” Al Sharpton are joined at the hip in New York, so why not in Washington?
De Blasio and the race-baiting Rev met with President Obama and other clergy, cops and pols Monday about “simmering” tensions between the police and minorities across the United States.
Sharpton, a White House regular under Obama, got a prime seat at the table — directly facing the president — during the two-hour session at the Eisenhower Office Building."
Two weeks after the Sharpton - de Blasio - Obongo summit, with New York City on edge due to the stand-down orders which de Blasio had issued to police in regard to the ongoing "spontaneous protests", Ismaaiyl Brinsley, 28, murdered two police officers in what he himself had previously said was going to be a revenge killing. The tragic shooting forced Sharpton and de Blasio to shut-up and fade away for the time being. They have yet to recover from the bad publicity, but Obongo the untouchable remains unscathed!
Let's go to Baltimore, MD, where a drug dealer named Freddie Gray killed himself in the back of a police van by banging his head and then falling against a steel door handle. In that case, Al Charlatan showed up after the protests and riots had already been triggered. The main fire-starter in Baltimore was Malik Shabazz of the New Black Panther Party.
From the Associated Press:
April 26: Freddie Gray protests turn violent in Baltimore
“One of the protest’s organizers, Malik Shabazz, the president of Black Lawyers for Justice, said the crowd exceeded their expectations, adding that protesters’ anger is not surprising.
'This is a problem that has not been solved,’ he said. ‘When there’s no justice, they tend to want to take matters into their own hands.’”
By necessity, Shabazz's ties to the White House have to be buried beneath many buffering layers. Compared to Shabazz, Sharpton seems reasonable! But he too has been a visitor to the White House, back in 2009 when Obongo and Eric Holder were busy getting two of his Panthers 'off the hook' for blatant voter intimidation of elderly Whites in Philadelphia. Shabazz and his associates had openly appeared and marched with then-Senator Obongo back in 2007.
The pattern of these events is unmistakable. Here's the template:
Step 1: An "incident" takes place. The media hypes it.
Step 2: Professional agitators arrive to stage "peaceful protests". The media hypes it. Locals join in.
Step 3: Professional agitators visit the White House and obtain Obongo's tacit blessing. The media downplays this part.
Step 4: The protests turn violent. The media hypes it. Innocent Whites are attacked or murdered as the media covers it up.
Step 5: Obongo Barzini calls for calm as he makes a moral equivalence between the rioters and the cops.
Step 6a: Boobus FOXus Americanus blames Al Sharpton.
Step 6b: Boobus CNNus Libtardus blames "racism" and the police.
Meanwhile, the "calm and cool", the "fair and impartial" Obongo, just like Barzini, stays above it all as more and more people die under his invisible hand.
"Sharpton is a pimp. It was Obongo all along."
....and Soros!