rtlee #fundie brojed.org

Here lies the fundamental reason for all the ills that exist in America (or any society). Despite what blind patriots and Bill of Rights quoters think, America has failed to legislate itself in strict accord to the moral laws of God. In fact, the first amendment to its manmade constitution reveals that America has always been forbidden from doing so. If the government of America would officially embrace the true moral laws of God, it would be espousing a particular "religion".

Therefore, the principles of the heathen Constitution and its Bill of Rights rule instead of morality. There is a constant clamor across the nation against morality on the basis of so-called constitutional rights. But this is the way the forefathers established this nation. Since its inception, America has truthfully been foolishly seeking to govern itself rather than seeking to perfectly conform to the righteous, rightful authority and holy kingship of the most high God.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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