[Denson is the president of a college hosting an anti-bullying conference.]
"We respect everyone's right to live the life they want to live," Mr. Denson said. OK... Does that mean that if students want to rape, that it's fine with him? Or they want to resort to crime? How about if they want to target shoot in the commons area? According to his statement, they should be allowed to do so because it's the type of life they want to live. How absurd!
Apparently you didn't take that statement of his to mean '... not including criminal behaviour.' Surely you didn't think he literally meant every behaviour? You must be more sophisticated than that, mustn't you? You know he is being compassionate and humane don't you?
You rhetorically ask asinine questions then provide your own answer of "How absurd!" How absurd indeed.
What? Are you a simpleton or something? I'd love to see you try and bully me Mary, you incredibly stupid oaf.
You really WANT to find faults with this, don't you, dearie? What's so bad about anti-bullying? You must be a LOVELY person, honey.
It's pretty obvious that Mr Denison means "we respect everyone's right to live the non-criminal life they want to live". Crimes against civil law and human rights should NEVER be respected. People doing things and living in ways that harm no-one, should always be respected.
"Does that mean that if students want to rape, that it's fine with him? Or they want to resort to crime? How about if they want to target shoot in the commons area?"
That's why conservative hate colleges. They aren't allowed to have any fun.
No, no, NO! This isn't saying that students should be allowed to rape and shoot each other! It's saying that no one should be bullied or discriminated against for being who they are! How could you possibly misinterpret the message so badly?
"Anti-bullying conference bullies conservatives," oh fuck off Fox News.
You're not being bullied because people are telling you not to bully. I really can't stand your stupid anymore.
This is the kind of "we only bully you because we hate that you're different" logic that you should've grown out of in grade school.
"Rape and all that other shit you mentioned are crimes. Homosexuality is not. Are wingnuts just genetically predisposed to being unable to discern the difference?"
It's worse than that. They either don't get or outright ignore the concept of consent when they want to argue against any of this crap. It makes it impossible to have any meaningful conversation with the worst of them.
Well, I don't much like Christians, should I tell my kids that they can bully them? On a serious note, rape, crime, and even target shooting in the halls affect other people (though the NRA probably supports that last one), homosexuality affects only the couple involved in their relationship. You're comparing apples to rocks.
Because being gay or perceived as being gay or "different" in some way is the same as raping/committing crimes and shooting guns wherever. Yeah, that's pretty absurd.
But this is Fox News where you know they are going to baawww and make up shit because this will totally persecute the poor Christian fundamental conservatives... "Why can't we torment gay people when it's our belief that they're terrible and should be intimidated!? Why do you hate Christians!? We're the only ones who face discrimination! Arglebarglefappityfap!"
You really want to dump that "nerdy" kid's books, don't you, Ms. Flanagan?
(Yes, I know this is about anti-gay bullying but bullying for any reason is el stupido.)
Does that mean that if students want to rape, that it's fine with him?
If he's conservative and agrees with Phyllis Schlafly, maybe.
Or they want to resort to crime?
If he's conservative, maybe it is fine with him.
Who knows, Mary Flanagan, who knows?
Your freedom to swing your arm wildly in the air ends at the tip of my nose.
Use that as a guideline, Mary.
OK... Does that mean that if students want to rape, that it's fine with him? Or they want to resort to crime? How about if they want to target shoot in the commons area?
No, it doesn't. Rape victims don't want to be raped and people don't want to be shot or be victims of crime; so "everyone's right to live the life they want to live" includes freedom from being raped or shot. "Everyone's right to live the life they want to live" is just a restatement of the Golden Rule:
"Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets" (Mat. 7:12)
"Do to no one what you yourself dislike." (Tobit 4:15)
"What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others." (Confucius)
"Love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD." (Lev 19:18)
What's absurd is the degree of mental gymnastics to which you'll go in order to defend your laughably ignorant worldview. Leave no logical fallacy unused, no strawman unburnt, no scientific findings unperverted, as long as it makes your pathetic little point.
See, that would have made sense, except for the fact that all the listed acts actively impede others from living as they want to live.
The idea here is simple. My right to swing a fist ends where another person's body begins. My right to have sex ends where it's not welcomed by a sexual partner. My right to shoot a gun ends where the bullets are liable to harm innocent people.
Up to the point where a person's actions directly impact someone else, that person can do whatever he or she wants to do and be whoever said person wants to be, and shouldn't be bullied for it. Not a hard concept to grasp, really.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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