Shh! According to fundies we don't exist.
Seriously though, why would a fish be the first thing to crawl out of the primordial soup? Why would the first creature need to climb out of the primordial soup anyway? At that point there was absolutely nothing on land but bare rocks. And why the hell would the sky come from the primordial soup? It's not even a living entity.
Would a slimey fish crawl out the water, say I need legs, and just grow them?
You know, fish can walk on the bottom of bodies of water too. Much like how crabs do that. Furthermore we have actual walking fish that you can look at now such as mudskippers and walking catfish. How much of a stretch is it that fish could walk out of the water when we have ones now that do just that?
Tell me how they decided to develop into male and female
Bacteria are genderless and some varieties exhibit a form of sexual reproduction. It's not too far of a stretch for that sexual reproduction to result in dimorphism where half are universal givers and half are universal receivers. And if you are a universal receiver then you are the one that produces the offspring. As for eggs, it's always nice to be able to protect and feed your offspring.
Who decided to have the babies grow inside them, and which ones to lay in eggs?
Nobody. Those are simply two different methods of having young. You either lay them (usually many) and hope they survive or you carry them with you which gives them extra protection but then you can only do a small number at a time and if you die then you're all fucked. Neither way is perfect, just different.
Who decided that they eyeball placement would give us 3D vision
Nobody. That arrangement just happened to give us 3D vision. Who decided that the way giraffes have their eyes allows them to see 360 degrees around them? And then decided not to give it to us?
and show the vision upside down inside our brains, but cause our brains to become able to decipher it?
Good point. If creationism is true why would a God of infinite power, infinite wisdom and infinite resources design something so shoddily? I mean, I myself have accidentally put things the wrong way when working on home improvement projects and had to compensate for it by adding another piece but I'm not a god.
How did something come from nothing?
Primordial soup was not nothing. It was chock full of amino acids.
It's like saying drop a watch on an airfield and wait - it'll then evolve into an airplane over millions of years
You've been watching too much Pokemon. While an inanimate object like this:
can evolve in Pokemon, such a thing cannot evolve in real life due to inorganic objects not being able to reproduce with variation which is kind of THE ENTIRE FUCKING THEORY.