(responding to a post sceptical that Unicorns and Dragons really exist)
You're right, The Man With No Name. Unicorns and Dragons do not exist. Not now! However, they are definitely mentioned in God's Word therefore proving that at one time they were alive and well here on the earth.
Because schizophrenic nomadic sheep-herders know a lot about mythology.....
Oh, wait, they do, seeing's how they created it. Never mind.
Missy .. *shakes head* or maybe the bibble is wrong and your god doesn't exist or, the interpretations were slightly off or even the writer thought the addition would make interesting antagonists (but the editors removed most references later as they seemed .. "unlikely"). This is what happens when fallible humans write fiction. Oh, and did I mention that maybe the bibble is .. wrong and your god doesn't exist??
However, they are definitely mentioned in God's Word therefore proving that at one time they were alive and well here on the earth. Ah, no, the fact that they are mentioned in the Bible proves only that they are mentioned in the Bible.
References to unicorns and dragons are artifacts of the Elizabethan era in which the KJV, Geneva and other early english Bibles were created.
There is no evidence of unicorns ever existing. If one claims that some dinosaurs were dragons, then I have to point out that dinosaurs and humans missed each other's eras by millions and millions of years.
Another strike out for Mrs. Dummy.
The Bible doesn't mention the unicorn. It mentions the Hebrew letters Mem-Alef-Resh, which was translated into Greek as "monoceros" (one-horned) The KJV translated the Greek into "unicorn", the closest English word to "monoceros". Hebrew also used Mem-Alef-Resh to refer to the wild ox, so the RSV translates it as "wild ox". Sheesh - even AiG gets this one right, so Miss Debbie has no excuse. (What happened to Mrs. Debbie? Don't tell me she's finally wised up (figuratively, of course) and dumped the Bro!)
But...but...Mrs. Debbie! You are basing your statement that Unicorns and Dragons no longer exist on the opinions of the scientific community! Since I doubt very much that you are a cryptozoologist, you are accepting the word of these scientists that Unicorns and Dragons no longer exist on the Earth.
Your Bible says they do exist.
Therefore you are taking the word of scientists over the statements in the Bible concerning objective reality. Best be careful, if Randy notices that, you're out for sure.
You see, unicorns and dragons and such all did exist at one time, but when they died in the flood, Satan turned all their bones into dinosaur bones and aged them 100 million years to confuse the minds of men.
There seem few immediately demonstrateable things in this universe, and outside these science attempts to find likely theories. The beauty of fundamentalism is the replacement of the "likely" with a far easier "accepted", or just its removal altogether for the ultimate in user-friendly reality.
Where is the down-side? You don't need to think all the time,.. and you get to believe in unicorns... brilliant... this guy's a genius
Don't you just love how, even though Mrs. Debbie is ostensibly for fundamentalist Christianity's tenet that 'a women's place is in the house', she can't help but interfere in these discussions about religion, etc.?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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