atheism is impossible you could not possably know that god isnt real if god is everywhere at once when you walk in the room he could of left in to the next one. you would have to be every where at once to know that god isnt real in other words youd have to be god. im not trying to insult any one. but just giving some logic
Yeah, you can't prove that there IS a god either (except the argument ad stoopeed "Everything/the bible is proof for god") So I guess that makes us both idiots, then? Maybe me somewhat less than you, as I know about capitalization properly.
As sound as that logic is, you're a moron.
--Rya, Bonus Stage episode 44 "You Evil Curs"
Rainman tried to figure out the joke about being on first base and all that....what Rainman couldn't figure out was that it was a least rainman had an excuse...kristin you don't if you continue to listen to the liars that preach to you and urge you to reject logic and reason. I'm sure many of the 60 million killed by the nazi's prayed a bunch before some nazi raped, tortured and then brutally murdered them...a lot of good it did them huh...God loved them huh? Wow, with that kind of 'love' who needs nazi's.
Oh kristin, you can't 'give' logic, you either have it or you don't and you don't
LOL, if god is supposedly everywhere at once, then we DONT need to know everything. We can just look at a blade of grass for our gods here...well, that concludes it.
Don't think this is that fundie. It's basically agnostic logic. Of course, this person is missing the fact that we lack the proof for his EXISTENCE as well, and the fact that therefore he can't force his beliefs on anyone.
That was.....that was really hard to read. Word fucking salad, man. And replace the word "God" with the Flying Spaghetti Monster or shit, even Santa Claus, and it's still a stupid fucking argument. There's about as much proof for God than there is for either of those mythical creatures.
If he is "everywhere" why does he need to walk into the next room???
However lets just say God is playing hide-and-seek and merely moves to the next room to avoid being seen (for whatever reason) - what if there is already someone in the next room - and they are also atheist??
Your logic has got some mighty big holes in it. Must be bible logic!
You could also not "possably" know that gods are real.
Which god is everywhere at once? Thor? Anubis? Zeus?
It's "could have", not "could of", silly!
That is NOT logic, dearie; that is giberish.
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