kingjameswriter1965 #fundie
I was just watching a video on how CERN works. I cannot fathom what gets inside people’s heads to make a living out of this. They are surely atheist in character, because they believe that they can control the forces of this world. They are followers of the Devil. Now they claim they can use this hadron collider to bring forth the Devil and all his fallen ones. I’m thinking, WHAT? People by and large are idiots, believing lies, fools without Christ, bound for Hell in their sins and deserving of the Lake of Fire, just like their father the Devil. If you choose Satan, you choose eternal death, which is the Lake of Fire.
By the way, you surely by now have seen that satanic ritual that was performed at the opening of the Gotthard Tunnel in Switzerland?? Yes, and guess where the Large Hadron Collider is! In Switzerland!! The Swiss are consumed by a lust for satanic devices! So are the rest of us!! Is it a coincidence, or God’s revelation? Quit being a sheep and think for yourself!!