trustinthelord #fundie

“Why didn’t the coward go into a neighborhood in Baltimore run by the Crips and the Bloods and express his rage there?

Probably because Obummer and company didn't want him there. I'm sure the Baltimore thugs didn't want any competition. These people and Obummer are afraid of competition, that is why Obummer seeks to eliminate The Confederate Flag. It is BIGGEST impediment to taking down this country, then implementing the NWO-all under the guise of being a savior to our country, which it needs so they don't end up in hell for eternity. But hey, half this country has their head in the sand, and can't see that all this trouble is manufactured by Obummer, aka, The Wicked Community Organizer from Hell.

Besides, there's a pride thing in play with Charleston. If he conquers Charleston, then they win. So Slick Nikki, the libturds love you, but you probably already know that since you have shown yourself to be a closet lib...



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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