DAVEYBOY #fundie rr-bb.com

Today when I came into work I did as I always do, get online and check out the headlines and wait to see what jumps out at me. This is when I hear God speaking to me, when things kind of just jump out at me. I saw 4 or 5 headlines that spoke to me. The first said scientists said that we have done so much CO2 damage to our planet that it is now beyond repair, and that humans have 30 years, tops, before extinction. The next headline said that the US is heading towards no linger being one of the super-powers. Did you catch that? Not THE super-power...ONE of the super-powers. The next headline spoke of Europe is, by 2025, going to be a "hobbled giant". The next headlline said that by 2025, nuclear confrontations were inevitable because of all the "rogue" states having these weapons and also the scarcity of food and water. Then I read about a teen putting his suicide on the 'net on a webcam and people were not horrified but instead threw insults at him. It popped into my mind. This is world is spinning out of control and is more than ready for a "man" to take control of it with his master plan. Now mind you, I know that nothing is out of God's control, but you understand what I mean. Totally spinning out of control, and waiting for someone to step in and rescue it. Until now, I always thought it would be the Rapture that had this world going berserk. Now I see it's already in utter chaos. Man, I really feel that the Antichrist is chomping at the bit...waiting like a tiger to pounce onto the world scene. I know all these things I've spoke of are no new news to all of you, but I really have felt the Holy Spirit saying to me that things are changing!!! And then at times I can't believe these things are really happening. It's alsmost too much to believe that this is really happening.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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