"why aren't there any new humans walking outta the Birmingham Zoo?"
Who the fuck ever suggested there would be? Oh, wait. I know and you do to. Your people, your creationist preachers trying to undermine and ridicule evolutionary science by claiming near instantanous species change is ever implied in the theory.
Even Darwins Finches is a prime example of a slight change, inherent in a small percentage becoming prominate in a different environment. Not Finchs birthing Eagles.
Have you guys noticed how you always use things science never said and you invented to argue against science while we can make your religion look bad actually using your books, sermons and dogma, literally, verbatim, in context quoting such?
Probably the biggest wedge to you people getting evolution is this rampant misinformation of what it actually states, long changes over time that in the long term produce a much different animal, SOMETIMES. The evidence is irrefutable, that things have changed.
Same as the Big Bang Theory and your lot. You insist there was once nothing, because your Bible states such, you insist the Big Bang Theory says it came from nothing which it doesn't, it has never suggested such. Condensed to a very small point of size, even stated as nearly nothing, sometimes with dimensional qualities that means it's not even all here at that time, but never was it nothing. You people lied about it and evolutionary theory in attempts to make it look impossible. We don't have to lie to condemn your religious beliefs, they're inherently stupid and destructive.