I know a man who proudly practices witchcraft. I have known him since he was boy. He was diagnosed with bi-polar when he was just a young teen. I see a spirit that looks like a gargoyle super-impose itself on him minutes before he flips out. When he would flip out as a boy he would become overcome with a murdurous rage. He physically broke things and seriously hurt the other smaller children that he could lay his hands on. I know he tried to drown his younger cousin, i had to wrestle his cousin away from him. When the gargoyl spirit passed off of him his memory of the incident was completely different from the events. It appeared that he was lying because his memory did not match what every eye witness witnessed. As he grew up he literally has no memory of most of his childhood and zero memory of any of those murderous events because he isn't in his right mind when that spirit comes over him. The gargoyl spirit is in control.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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