Chris W. #fundie

Naturally Obama is a Moslem, I saw him on a video stating plainly to a large group of Arab leaders, "I am a Muslim." He wears a ring all the time.that says as much in Arabic.
It is also why every single member of the Homeland Security is Islamic; It is also why Obama has been funding (with US taxes,) a huge influx of the Moslem Brotherhood for years into USA.
It is also why we have seen persecution arise against Christians in the US. and why Islam is taught in classrooms throughout America.
I believe there will arise out of a 10 nation federation a Global Govt. from within Europe and it will be Islamic. It is useful to the rich bankers who rule the roost (in cahoots with the Vatican) to have an Islamic Global Govt., because under strict Sharia law they can control the world citizens so much more easily.
I believe we are quickly heading this way.
I believe it will spring out of the EU.
Although the EU presently has 18 members I believe that number will fall away to 10.
Then that "little horn" shall arise among them (from Daniels prophecy.)
But however it pans out, they want America as a world power destroyed, and they found just the man to do the job.



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