How do you know that your disbelief in God is not being caused by a demonic spirit who is psychologically disturbing your rational judgment leading you away from God? Alternatively how do you know that your disbelief in God does not stem from some deep seated subconscious emotional problem which is affecting your rational judgement on the issue without you realising it?
How do you know your persistent belief in an unprovable deity is not caused by a schizophrenic psychosis of some kind? Alternatively, how do you know your need to believe in a deity is not part of an obsolete bit of psychological hardwiring -- an evolutionary leftover, like a psychological appendix, that can get inflamed and is often best removed by the use of objectivity and reason?
~David D.G.
So, how do you know that your believe in god isn't the work of the devil or of devils who have tricked you all into thinking that they are really salvation but you are actually in league with the devil. ANd maybe the sky isn't really blue, it's plaid and sewn with queen anne's lace, and maybe...No, you're just a fucking loon.
and how do I know the sky is blue? the wavelengths of light that reflect from air molecules are within the lengths defined as blue. sometimes you have to define things.
what evolutionary function might be served by belief in god? increasing submission to authority maybe? humans are violent animals, and would be too busy infighting for dominance without an ingrained instinct for said submissiveness? you can extrapolate that to infer why extreme religious fundamentalists also tend to be more violent, couldn'tchya?
Just askin'.
'Cause kids who are not tought religion as they grow up don't invent it on their own?
The best explanation I heard was from CSI
Take an ape in a savannah. The ape sees the brushes moving. Either he waits o see the tiger, or he infers an invisible, powerful force and runs. We are the descendents of the one who runned.
Now step slowly away from the shoes, and we won't have a problem
"How do you know it isn't true?" isn't an argument for anything. The number of people who believe that it IS is shocking, though. I've seen that more than a few times, on Christian News Network and CNSNews...
Well, all we Atheists ask is that we're proved wrong :
In fact, we demand to be proved wrong.
How do you know that your 'God' exists?
Because if your answer is the only one possible, therefore thank you for admitting that Haruhi Suzumiya, Princess Celestia, and Cthulhu exist.
Teach the Controversy has really blown up in your own faces hasn't it, eh fundies...?!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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