Raymond Ibrahim #fundie frontpagemag.com
[CAIR spokesman Hussam Ayloush: "Let us not forget that some of our own foreign policy as Americans, as the West, have fueled that extremism. When we support cruel leaders in Egypt, or other places. When we support dictatorships, repressive regimes around the world that push people over to the edge. Then they become extremists; then they become terrorists. We are partly responsible. Terrorism is a global problem, not a Muslim problem."]
It's a testimony to CAIR's intellectually barren and morally bankrupt - or, in a word, Islamist - nature that it must fall back on one of the most manifestly false of all apologias: the claim that Islamic violence is a product of Islamic grievance - in this case U.S. foreign policy.
The fundamental problem with the "grievance" claim is that it contradicts what the terrorists themselves repeatedly say is their motivation - killing non-Muslims ("infidels") according to the Islamic doctrine of jihad.
Although jihadis do enjoy taking advantage of Western softness/naivety by claiming their murderous bloodlust is "our fault" - thereby killing two birds with one stone: 1) getting unwanted attention away from Islam/Muslims and 2) gaining concessions for the same - they also make it clear that hating, subjugating, and terrorizing the non-Muslim is required by Islamic law, or Sharia.