Douglass Downs #fundie
One of the problems I have with “Lilo and Stitch”] is Disney’s definition of “family.” I do empathize with two orphaned sisters, but this is a typical Disney backstory. We see it over and over again—the absence of parents. We also see the family redefined to include an adopted genetically engineered alien and a cute boyfriend. It is the slick political blending of “It takes a village to raise an alien” and “Leave no alien behind.” Once again pity overpowers our sense of reason and we miss the long-term implications of cloning as a solution for adoptive parents.
We, also, miss current campaign to redefine family as any collection of individuals that love each other. My final problem is in the area of imitative behavior. I watched Lilo in her frustration fight with a girl and then bite her on the arm. The next day I was in Wal-mart and observed a girl bite her brother on the arm after calling him one of the names reinforced in this film “stupid head.” The mother was in horror and asked her daughter where she learned such inappropriate behavior. She replied that she saw Lilo do it when yesterday when Grandma took them to the movies. This is only one of many scenes with behavior that is unacceptable. Our children deserve better role models. All I can say is “be careful little eyes what you see.” I strongly recommend parents to skip this one.
—Douglas Downs