This book has really changed our family and although at first it seems cruel because we are in a society that has strayed so far from the truth that the truth actually seems wrong. But pray and read the scriptures along with this book and the Holy Spirit will reveal the truth if you truly seek it.
I have not found a scripture to support (or not support) the appropriate age at which to spank your children. So I recommend starting at the age that you feel God wants you too. I could never spank my 4 month old but at about 8 months it seems to begin to be helpful but I always did it very lightly on the hand not the thigh or leg.
I really hate abusive idiots who hit their children and justify it by spouting off some scriptural garbage.
It is never right to hit a baby, whether 4, 8, or 12 months. They do not have the cognitive capacity to understand why you're hitting them.
I raised two children without once raising my hand to them. Not to say they weren't disciplined, but discipline does not mean physical force. I now have two young adults who have the internal discipline to know right from wrong and don't need the threat of punishment to do what is right.
Oh, yeah, i almost forgot, I did it all without resorting to scripture, except when we needed a laugh.
The problem with this crap is that people don't see the difference between the message they think they're sending and the message they're actually sending.
It's like the guy who beats the hell out of his dog when he catches it on the couch. He thinks he's teaching the dog not to get on the couch. But all he's teaching the dog is that he's a bastard who beats the dog every time he comes into the room while the dog is relaxing on the couch. The dog doesn't learn to stay off the couch. He just learns that the guy is a loony and he better get lost when the guy walks into the room.
The kids don't learn what's right or wrong. They just learn that their parents are sadists who beat them unless they rigidly perform some arcane ritual that they learn only by being beaten.
Rose, I just got word from God. He .... well he wants you to spank me, I know I know. It seems weird to me too but hey we can't question the Lord. Now tie me up and remember the safe word is Charleston.
Children can't be trained. Sorry man. Woman. Being. Whatever.
You can make sure they kill you at the slighest chance, though. 8D
Which Scripture, "the Kingdom of God belongs to Children", "Love thy neighbour like yourself.............". Because "spare the rod, spoil the child" is not even Biblical.
Since 4 and 8 months old children don't understand the difference between good and evil and don't have the capacity yet to react, your beating is just a signal of how sadist you are. Moreover, if you educate children the way you educate animals, you're demonstrating that the theory of free will and sin is false, because you're hinting that children are animals and will react like animals.
The "truth" seems wrong for one very simple reason: Your "truth" is wrong. Also, if you're doing what "you feel God wants you too [sic ]," then keep in mind that those people who flew planes into buildings did what they felt God wanted them to.
If you hear a voice telling you to spank your 8 months old baby, I say you have issues.
Go find a man in a white coat and tell him about your situation.
Neither children nor animals should be 'taught' by hitting. They will both end up with issues and behavioral problems.
Seriously, if you say you 'feel' when gawd wants you to start spanking kids, that's just messed up crazy crap.
Um, do babies even understand speech at that age? They can't very well "do as they're told", anyway.
With this method, some children might be conditioned to scream in terror when they see their own mother.
#348747 wrote:
"Because "spare the rod, spoil the child" is not even Biblical."
I'm afraid it is:
"He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him."
-- Proverbs 13:24
"Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him."
-- Proverbs 22:15
"Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish him with the rod, he will not die. Punish him with the rod and save his soul from death."
-- Proverbs 23:13-14
Jeez, you guys make me feel so inadequate. My sons are totally well adjusted, reading five grades above level, obedient and happy, and I've NEVER HIT THEM. What's WRONG with me??
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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