Dave Hawkins #fundie iidb.infidels.org

I was at the Chicago Lego store today and noticed that they depict dinosaurs with humans on one of their sets ...


Many of you are aware of Carl Baugh's recent find, supposedly of human and dionsaur footprints in the same strata. And many of you are probably aware of the many legends that exist causing us to believe that dinosaurs and humans probably co-existed, including the Biblical Book of Job Chapters 40 & 41.

Anyway, I think it's obvious that they DID co-exist ... and from this box, it appears that either there is a 'renegade creationist' on the loose in the Lego art department (send out the attack dogs, Prof Dawkins), or Lego management has been to Ken Ham's Creation Museum.

Either way ... Way to go Lego! Let's get started early teaching kids the right things about science!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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