There are many folks 'out there' quick to dispense the story about that man trying to shoot John Hagee and also the Blood Red Moons. Well both have happened. Eventually some folk have confirmed seeing the gunman and others hearing audio tapes.
With reference to the Blood Red Moons, well they have happened and I was able to directly see the final one from my home have risen during the night to see it.
That leaves us with the interpretation of the period in which the cycle of the tetrads occurred and their presence in the sky occurring coincident with the Jewish feast days. I do not recall Jonathan Cahn making specific statements about what would happen. However the previous seven cycles have had significant events associated with them. This cycle has been no different!!!! During the last year [which just happens to have been a shimitah year!!!] there have been significant financial failures - which the media JUST seem to have ignored what a surprise.
Not only that but surely you 'out there' have been watching and seeing the significant awful events in the Middle East and across the world? The disastrous events for the displaced people, the tragedies for those fleeing the ISIS violence? Russian activity in Syria? The energy discovery in the Golan heights? The UN treatment of Israel and many many more.
Come now the period of the Blood Red moons NOT significant? If your Christian look up for your redemption is NIGH. BUT woe-betide you Christian if you are not actively sharing the good news for God does not want any to perish!!!!!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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