A Manhattan attorney has posted several pieces of antisemitic content on his Twitter and Facebook accounts.
Rahul Manchanda, who describes himself as having “worked for one of the largest law firms in Manhattan”, posted that Angela Merkel was “controlled by Hardcore Zionist Jews Rothschilds/Soros w NATO” who he accused of having engineered the migrant crisis. This is a typical example of an antisemitic conspiracy theory alleging Jewish control over world affairs. He also writes that these individuals are “turning the world into Israel”.
He has expressed support for various other conspiracy theories, accusing the Rockefeller Foundation and the Rothchilds of controlling the education system to push children towards “adult-serfdom” and preventing schools teaching about the so-called “genocide—by Israel against Palestine”. He has retweeted statements that “Mossad did London terror attack” and “Zionist Jews” run various international institutions. He also retweeted a tweet stating that “Masonic Jews—will destroy the goyim by starting WW3” and that Jewish communists “invented the 6 million figure”.
He tweeted an article purporting to expose “Brexit and Jewish Oligarchy”, and he attributed the Brexit result to an “Anglo-Zionist push” whilst retweeting a statement about “Masonic Jewish white genocide agenda”, which Manchanda described as “great cover for Luciferian terrorist attacks”.
He has made several media appearances speaking about legal issues, including appearing on Fox News.
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